New Here. Thought I'de share my situation.
I live in upstate New York and believe I am a victim of someone illegally using technology on my mind and body. I've spent years trying to get to the bottom of truth, why I;ve constantly had nightmares in the last ten years, heard voices and experienced many symtoms of mental illness. For a while I believed i was possessed by the devil and demons, although my captors (who I will keep anonymous for now but are a top government agency) have now established concrete communication with me and proven that I am under a 'program' because they don't like how my mind works. They have admitted they have lost control of whatever their ultimate agenda was, but I have picked up on that they are a team of engineers. Some are men and some are woman. They mainly send disturbing graphic images into my 'third eye' when i think against their agenda.. and I also (less now) and for years I experieneced an 'apparition' of hands, etc burning me with my cigarrrettes, stomping my face on a curb, etc. They talk to me and torture me in my sleep. IT is definatley a 'signal' being broadcast via technology. For years I bought into being possessed, and it seemed as though they wanted to brake me and cause me to be a violent criminal, although we both have the proof! The truth cannot be withheld or fabricated. I am an innocent American citizen, I'm not perfect.. but I am kind and do my best.
Medications do little more then make things more confusing. As of now their 'signal' which ussually comes in the form of a 'pulsing' vibrational voice diferent then my own, ussually with a pain in the back of my head, tries to override my thought process. Life has become hell and via these voices and 'thoughts'.. they have threatened to 'turn my brain off' if I tell anyone about this. Again, the whole 'god' thins had all been very convincing.. for years I beleived it was magical spirits or a curse from god, but I've woken up. Its science and scientists behind this.
They arent the most intellectually intelligent people as we have argued about everything under the sun since they reveleaed who they are, mostly in personal philosiphy conflicts and political ideals. They sometimes take time to respond and curse me and mock me. They are definatley the voices of living human beings. What has really solidified this as proof to me is sleeping in an aluminum screen tent (which cuts off and greatly diminished communication with ringing in my ears, etc), and using a spceial aluminum tesla chip on my necklace, ..and the absolut proof... this past week the neodium magents I found suggested on a forum to ruin their device.. have weakened their control/signal to where its practiaclly a joke. I am not possed, I am being attacked from a remote location. And their 'gag' is up.. they have admitted to me who they are and are threatening my life.
I am not a very well liked person at this point in my life as I have been discredited, and I will not go into detail although there are defintley people that I know that know whats going on, but will not speak up about it. Strangers in the community, friends of friends and distant friends who are letting me know they are aware that I'm not crazy, and that this is exactly what is happening to me. I cannot find anyone in my area who will take me seriously though, although I am finnially speaking up about it and going to take it seriously. I will not be harrassed, tortured and made a scapegoat of. My parents are finally starting to come around as I am much better at expalaining whats going on and my proof, as I finially get to the bottom of this and believe I must have an implant in my body somewhere. The magent really solidifies it. I have my ideas where it is from several surgeries, and I belive these people have been doing this to me most of my life.
IF anyone out there knows of anyone in the New york area knows of anybody who might be of assistancxe, lawyers, anyone with equiptent for scanning, etc... please contact me at
thank you for your time.