as in: if Hitler and the totalitarian German Workers' National Socialist Party -- the Nazis -- could have had this technology --
Hitler and his collaborators were immersed in the mystic ideologies of ancient India. And of course, it's important to know that THEY WERE SATANISTS. Pure and simple - they wanted to be the fulfillment of an antithesis to anything Good or God -- they wanted to COMPLETELY neutralize it. If it meant destroying everything in their way?
Which of course is completely NOT sane, insane, the opposite of true sanity.
They didn't have this technology -- the Ground Wave Emergency Network, the MK:ULTRA was a decade from real research and development, MK:ULTRA was still in the future...
and what all this is about is -- the people who are involved in working AGAINST this technology and use --
I read a lot of comic books when I was growing up. They are still nice to look at sometimes. But there is a difference between flights of fantasy and full blown psychosis, divorced from reality and delusional psychosis.
In truth the people who are working against direct energy, behaviour - manipulation weapons are some of the true Fighters Against Evil.
of COURSE one of the goals of the INSANE RICH who utilize this technology is to make people think that "resistance is useless" -- to simply go along with plans to make war.
There are no Americans, that i have heard of except for a tiny few in California protesting the war against Palestinians in Gaza.
Knowing the history as well as I know it, it seems
like this is a very, very bad time.
Hitler and his Nazis had no love for anyone, including Germans.
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It's as if Hitler had not just died in his bunker, as the legend goes -- but EXPLODED INTO CHUNKS, many of which made it across the ocean to the United States -- to become instrumental in influencing United States foriegn policy.
i would like nothing more than to see a total EMBARASSMENT of the men who have approved the use of direct energy weapons on the minds of Earth citizens -- precisely because I see that a) such would precede the powering-down of said weapons, and b) people all across the GLOBE suddenly 'snapping out of' what they deny that they are in.
That a state of global brainwashing, of planetwide mental numbing has taken place, controlled and overseen by certain "perpetrators" remains a question to many people. Impossible, they say. No one could do that.
But some people have seen the evidence. Some people have even testified.
What boils my blood and chills it at the same time is Hitler's evil, angry promise generations ago, decades before I was born. "Today Germany, Tomorrow The World!"
With the secret and powerful influence that psychotronic weaponry has, that goal is in sight. For who?
It is WHO that I wish to embarass, and I don't mean the World Health Organization. the WHO are those prominent members of global Leadership who KNOW what we discuss here -- who know, who rely and bank on it, who approve of it. NOTHING ELSE COULD BE MORE IMPORTANT.
The Nazis ARE horror, they ARE Terror -- and that is sort of an unneccessary "hint" -- as what I intend to do with this essay is create a Timeline that shows the connection to the current day -- January 2009 as I type this -- to the events of the so-called "Second World War" and how direct energy weapons played into the plans of Hitler's goals of global domination before they were really more than ideas for future technology.
the idea of COINTELPRO features strongly -- as in the United States, AFTER the end of the hostilities of that war, COINTELPRO was a tool for the enforcement of tyranny in Allied nation United States of America...
...which should seem like a contradiction, right? The "legends and lore" of the 20th century places the United States as the "good guys" and the Germans and the Axis as the Bad Guys, right?--
Even though the United States had a history of ethnic atrocity and prejudice reaching back LONG BEFORE Hitler appeared on the global scene -- before Hitler or Bush appeared on the global scene, and long before the ridiculous idea of a war on a concept -- especially one of the main concepts of war.
Military dictators from Nero to Napoleon have known that terror is one of the key aspects in any war. There's no war WITHOUT terror for the combatant and civilians alike -- so the idea of a "war on terror" more than simply an objective description of events is a telling [i]giveaway[/i] of the actual agenda that deserves to be embarassed.
of COURSE dissimenation of these facts can lead to peace.
wherever I have looked I have found that there have been those who have insisted that global peace for humanity is simply impossible. They have declared that if there were to be peace, it would mean The End Of The World -- and even used "scripture" from religions who had avatars that represented living EMBODIMENTS of peace.
I believe as a peace activist that their arguments inevitably reduce to absurdity -- revealing those who would present themselves as champions of religious virtue as pernicious fascists who can be dealt with via conscious understanding.
People shouting "Bullshit" when people assert the desire for peace are proving little except that they exist in a state of denial.
It just makes sense that those who truly, even DESPERATELY seek peace for their respecting countries and the whole planet can have it.
It may be that those who seek ongoing military rule and contrived reasons for war are ultimately OUTNUMBERED -- even if those who would have peace are generally afraid to speak out.
That is what the war on Terror was really all about -- George Orwell was the writer who made the word "doublethink" a keyword in intellectual and academic circles, and Doublethink was what the whole War on Terror was -- and remains as in January 2009 tensions and bodycounts escalate in the disputed Palestine/Israel region
The point of Janurary's Mess in Gaza is that:
After the Nuremburg Trials, certain German "intellectuals" -- scientists, technicians, Von Braun, Mengele, some of the sickest of Nazis were secretly brought into the United States in a covert move called "Operation Paperclip."
(ha ha...I'm glad I have other things in my life to think about. Grutz says she has symptoms all the time. I just know that these secret Nazis don't like the idea of anyone thinking about them and knowing the truth. But this isn't about psychotronics, it's about Nazis...)
OPERATION OVERCAST was the codename for the secret plan to bring Nazi war criminals sentenced to DEATH into the United States.
They came into the United States and were given secret jobs. In some cases new identities were supplied.
They had the time between V-E day and the creation of the Modern State of Israel to "do things in the United States." Like influence influencing foriegn policy. What I am saying is:
if OPERATION PAPERCLIP had been found out about and neutralized (and it is not too late) -- German ideologues who hated Israel would NOT have had a key role to play in American Foreign Policy.
One name recurs over and over again as a name of American interests that agreed with the Hitler Agenda.
That name is BUSH.
as in Prescott Bush --
Prescott Bush was found guilty of selling HALF of the pig-iron used to wage war by Germany TO Germany from America,
It was treason plain and simple. A scandal emerged, the 'Trading With The Enemy Scandal' of 1941
Right As We Are Sitting Now Having This Conversation the aftereffects of the Bush Family selling STEEL to the Germans -- and then bribing and cajoling and threatening until talk of their disloyalty went away...
Nuremburg Trials: 1945 (began)
the Joint Chiefs of Staff approve Operation Overcast. July 19, 1945
modern State of Israel Founded? May 16, 1948.
The Nazis must have felt blessed by Loki or something...their leader had sworn to rule the entire world, and there they were, spirited secretly into the main headquarters of their ENEMIES, the hated Americans...and allowed to research and develop technologies and to influence foriegn policy.
After Project Overcast had gone over, the Nazis had THREE YEARS --to influence United States foreign policy. The modern state of Israel was the result.
Sneaky? Deceitful? Laden with dirty tricks, conspiracy? Yes. Loki might have smiled. Yes, Loki might have smiled on their cruel deception, indeed.
it's almost too much...all this SHIT...all these lies...the utter stupidity of it...
the total NAZI BULLSHIT. the miasma of it, the stinking cesspool of evil and lies,
the desolation, the utter stupidity.
--col·lu·sion (k-lzhn)
A secret agreement between two or more parties for a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful purpose.
[Middle English, from Latin collsi, collsin-, from collsus, past participle of colldere, to collude; see collude.]
after Nuremberg, the Bush Organization were hard at work covering up
the fact that they were Nazi sympathizers -- while sympathizing and involved in collusion with the Reich of Germany.
First they were caught selling all kinds of steel and guns and tank parts to the Germans.
(Now if you are more caught up in hating semites than in thinking about the United States, than this won't matter to you. I can holler at others.) There are a lot of Nazi-attitudes in the United States right now -- for all sorts of reasons, but there it is nonetheless.
After Nuremberg a shadowy operation was undertaken to bring some of the most skilled German scientists into the United States. It was a secret, and it was treason (I wonder if the new Tom Cruise movie gets into that?)
What ended up happening was a secret kept from the end of the second world war all the way to Watergate --
but most importantly the Nazis despised the Jews in a deep and insane way. In the way that Herod famously feared the birth of Jesus, and so ordered a genocide of Jew babies a lot like what happened in the Holocaust, in the concentration camps. The paranoia of the disciples of Nietzsche was absolute, they had become "anti-christ" - and their hatred of the Hebrew was for that reason -- because they were afraid that, just like in the Bible, the Hebrews would produce some form of God -- reducing all the Nietzchean talk of the non-existance of God to absurdity.
After those Nazis were secretly brought into the United States they IMMEDIATELY began to influence foreign policy.
In other words: the current, modern state of Israel was architected into being in great part by those who despised Hebrew blood and the Jew the most -- people who were determinedly ANTI-CHRIST --
The modern state of Israel didn't kill Rachel Corrie. I KNOW those lame indygeeks.
They probably saw the bulldozer coming and didn't even fucking WARN her.
the same sort of socialist geeks who can't stop laming with antisemitic GARBAGE.
TOOLS of the STATE, tools of this ongoing conspiracy that was deeply involved YEARS before their geek asses started aping punk rock styles in seventh grade because they were tired of getting beaten up in school. socialists? communists? fucking poseurs...
dressed in imitation of the actual anarchists. organized, facilitated, they don't even KNOW why they hate jews. they were told to...fucking poseurs.
they would hate EMMA GOLDMAN, today, if she refused to conform and think as they did.
of course, you do have to think about it hard. In some very real ways, the causes of the second world war still rage if that war had not actually ended with the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- as holocaustal and genocidal as those attacks were.
It shows the general insanity of war.
More importantly, I still wonder: who were the Nazis in the United States when the modern, CURRENT State of Israel was created?
a lot of people have pointed out that modern Israel is treating the Palestinians in a similar manner to the way that the Germans were treating the European Jewry. But what it comes down to is the hidden existance of German, "Aryan" Nazi bigotry and methodology creating United States foreign policy after Nuremberg -- those who were pledged to the extinction of the Jew creating the policy that would lead to the creation of the Modern state of Israel after Nuremberg...
(i would like to smile calmly and lucidly at anyone offended by my use of vulgar, adult language in the preceding. Nazis disgust me. I would much rather be having fun and feeling free than doing this right now. It has to be done and I am disgusted.)
Three names stand out to an average person who researches the second world war in the early 21st century.
Jens Chr. HAUGE died in late 2007, a Norwegian oil millionaire. He fought in the Norwegian resistance to Hitler's Nazis.
Francois MITERRAND was a famous French statesman. History records his political record as having been Conservative and Socialist. He is dead, now.
Hannah Szenes is perhaps one of the most famous of the three. She attempted a military action against the Nazis and died behind enemy lines. She was a Hungarian jew.
There are many legendary and "romanticized" tales of resistance to Nazi tyranny...but as we can see from the above evidence -- those resistance movements have either failed, or have not succeeded yet.
What went wrong, or has failed to go right yet? In the case of Miterrand perhaps the lure of socialism and conservative politics was such that even though he fought against the invading Germans in resistance -- he never made the cognitive leap about "conservative" politics and "socialism" and...
In the case of Hauge, well, someone had to maintain the flow of OIL into Norway. Perhaps to a hardened resistor like Hauge, the connection of oil and Naziism AFTER Hitler would not seem so obvious...
So: here at peacepink at least one person has complained of feeling like "a sex slave".
as much as it disgusts me i know that such things are real.
But I have spent some time researching and have heard first hand reports.
Two famous people in cyberspace have claimed that they were violated sexually by NWO Operatives,
famously, Arizona Wilder and Cathy O' Brien.
It disgusts me to think of the combination of psychotronic behavior manipulation weapons and perverse sexuality that has no regard for the autonomy of the victims i. e. pedophila --
all the same it is something that a mature person must consider as part of the equation. But the idea of Homosexual Nazis?
One essay online makes it quite plain: Nazis who chose a homosexual lifestyle, male, rejecting female advances, went out IN GERMANY to look for homosexuals who claimed NO allegiance to the Nazi party.
they were thrown into the camps same as the others singled out by the Nazis.
Look at what is happening in the Gaza region in the Janurary of 2009.
Look at the events of the Trading with the Enemy Act and the secret "Operation Overcast," later named Operation Paperclip -- you will see the connection.
There has been NO TIME since the war to stop Hitler that a Bush has not been influential in United States Politics!
It's as if Hitler had not just died in his bunker, as the legend goes -- but EXPLODED INTO CHUNKS, many of which made it across the ocean to the United States -- to become instrumental in influencing United States foriegn policy.
i would like nothing more than to see a total EMBARASSMENT of the men who have approved the use of direct energy weapons on the minds of Earth citizens -- precisely because I see that a) such would precede the powering-down of said weapons, and b) people all across the GLOBE suddenly 'snapping out of' what they deny that they are in.
That a state of global brainwashing, of planetwide mental numbing has taken place, controlled and overseen by certain "perpetrators" remains a question to many people. Impossible, they say. No one could do that.
But some people have seen the evidence. Some people have even testified.
What boils my blood and chills it at the same time is Hitler's evil, angry promise generations ago, decades before I was born. "Today Germany, Tomorrow The World!"
With the secret and powerful influence that psychotronic weaponry has, that goal is in sight. For who?
It is WHO that I wish to embarass, and I don't mean the World Health Organization. the WHO are those prominent members of global Leadership who KNOW what we discuss here -- who know, who rely and bank on it, who approve of it. NOTHING ELSE COULD BE MORE IMPORTANT.
it's pretty obvious to me that this is a MASSIVE conspiracy with deep seated efforts.
on the other hand i think people who can manage to think independently have little to fear from robotic people.
in the short term.
i would like to see a link to the thing you said about Germany, Eric.
i have seen at that Russia/Putin outlawed said weapons...
it DOES defy credibility (as a functioning scam/deception/conspiracy must.)
and it does involved the Bush administration, and sadly, the United States' historical origin as a place
that could not have been created as it is without the same sort of ethnic prejudice and STUPID RACISM that
was slavery and of course the conquering of the aboriginal peoples' of the American west.
in other words
the Bush Family could not have gotten away with it without a chorus of Americans in Agreement.
some say Stalin only fought against Hitler to defend Russia, not to stop Hitler from doing what he was doing.
we have to accept that It's On and the weapons that amplify the secret Nazi agenda are extremely powerful. it's an imperceptible technology for forcing people to conform with government that effectively, even if the evildoers are caught in a lie...the brainwashed masses will "look the other way..."
i would like nothing more than to see a total EMBARASSMENT of the men who have approved the use of direct energy weapons on the minds of Earth citizens -- precisely because I see that a) such would precede the powering-down of said weapons, and b) people all across the GLOBE suddenly 'snapping out of' what they deny that they are in.
That a state of global brainwashing, of planetwide mental numbing has taken place, controlled and overseen by certain "perpetrators" remains a question to many people. Impossible, they say. No one could do that.
But some people have seen the evidence. Some people have even testified.
What boils my blood and chills it at the same time is Hitler's evil, angry promise generations ago, decades before I was born. "Today Germany, Tomorrow The World!"
With the secret and powerful influence that psychotronic weaponry has, that goal is in sight. For who?
It is WHO that I wish to embarass, and I don't mean the World Health Organization. the WHO are those prominent members of global Leadership who KNOW what we discuss here -- who know, who rely and bank on it, who approve of it. NOTHING ELSE COULD BE MORE IMPORTANT.
the idea of COINTELPRO features strongly -- as in the United States, AFTER the end of the hostilities of that war, COINTELPRO was a tool for the enforcement of tyranny in Allied nation United States of America...
...which should seem like a contradiction, right? The "legends and lore" of the 20th century places the United States as the "good guys" and the Germans and the Axis as the Bad Guys, right?--
Even though the United States had a history of ethnic atrocity and prejudice reaching back LONG BEFORE Hitler appeared on the global scene -- before Hitler or Bush appeared on the global scene, and long before the ridiculous idea of a war on a concept -- especially one of the main concepts of war.
Military dictators from Nero to Napoleon have known that terror is one of the key aspects in any war. There's no war WITHOUT terror for the combatant and civilians alike -- so the idea of a "war on terror" more than simply an objective description of events is a telling [i]giveaway[/i] of the actual agenda that deserves to be embarassed.
of COURSE dissimenation of these facts can lead to peace.
wherever I have looked I have found that there have been those who have insisted that global peace for humanity is simply impossible. They have declared that if there were to be peace, it would mean The End Of The World -- and even used "scripture" from religions who had avatars that represented living EMBODIMENTS of peace.
I believe as a peace activist that their arguments inevitably reduce to absurdity -- revealing those who would present themselves as champions of religious virtue as pernicious fascists who can be dealt with via conscious understanding.
People shouting "Bullshit" when people assert the desire for peace are proving little except that they exist in a state of denial.
It just makes sense that those who truly, even DESPERATELY seek peace for their respecting countries and the whole planet can have it.
It may be that those who seek ongoing military rule and contrived reasons for war are ultimately OUTNUMBERED -- even if those who would have peace are generally afraid to speak out.
That is what the war on Terror was really all about -- George Orwell was the writer who made the word "doublethink" a keyword in intellectual and academic circles, and Doublethink was what the whole War on Terror was -- and remains as in January 2009 tensions and bodycounts escalate in the disputed Palestine/Israel region
Yes! I was GETTING to that.
The point of Janurary's Mess in Gaza is that:
After the Nuremburg Trials, certain German "intellectuals" -- scientists, technicians, Von Braun, Mengele, some of the sickest of Nazis were secretly brought into the United States in a covert move called "Operation Paperclip."
(ha ha...I'm glad I have other things in my life to think about. Grutz says she has symptoms all the time. I just know that these secret Nazis don't like the idea of anyone thinking about them and knowing the truth. But this isn't about psychotronics, it's about Nazis...)
OPERATION OVERCAST was the codename for the secret plan to bring Nazi war criminals sentenced to DEATH into the United States.
They came into the United States and were given secret jobs. In some cases new identities were supplied.
They had the time between V-E day and the creation of the Modern State of Israel to "do things in the United States." Like influence influencing foriegn policy. What I am saying is:
if OPERATION PAPERCLIP had been found out about and neutralized (and it is not too late) -- German ideologues who hated Israel would NOT have had a key role to play in American Foreign Policy.
One name recurs over and over again as a name of American interests that agreed with the Hitler Agenda.
That name is BUSH.
as in Prescott Bush --
Prescott Bush was found guilty of selling HALF of the pig-iron used to wage war by Germany TO Germany from America,
It was treason plain and simple. A scandal emerged, the 'Trading With The Enemy Scandal' of 1941
Right As We Are Sitting Now Having This Conversation the aftereffects of the Bush Family selling STEEL to the Germans -- and then bribing and cajoling and threatening until talk of their disloyalty went away...
Nuremburg Trials: 1945 (began)
the Joint Chiefs of Staff approve Operation Overcast. July 19, 1945
modern State of Israel Founded? May 16, 1948.
The Nazis must have felt blessed by Loki or something...their leader had sworn to rule the entire world, and there they were, spirited secretly into the main headquarters of their ENEMIES, the hated Americans...and allowed to research and develop technologies and to influence foriegn policy.
After Project Overcast had gone over, the Nazis had THREE YEARS --to influence United States foreign policy. The modern state of Israel was the result.
Sneaky? Deceitful? Laden with dirty tricks, conspiracy? Yes. Loki might have smiled. Yes, Loki might have smiled on their cruel deception, indeed.
it's almost too much...all this SHIT...all these lies...the utter stupidity of it...
the total NAZI BULLSHIT. the miasma of it, the stinking cesspool of evil and lies,
the desolation, the utter stupidity.
--col·lu·sion (k-lzhn)
A secret agreement between two or more parties for a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful purpose.
[Middle English, from Latin collsi, collsin-, from collsus, past participle of colldere, to collude; see collude.]
after Nuremberg, the Bush Organization were hard at work covering up
the fact that they were Nazi sympathizers -- while sympathizing and involved in collusion with the Reich of Germany.
First they were caught selling all kinds of steel and guns and tank parts to the Germans.
(Now if you are more caught up in hating semites than in thinking about the United States, than this won't matter to you. I can holler at others.) There are a lot of Nazi-attitudes in the United States right now -- for all sorts of reasons, but there it is nonetheless.
After Nuremberg a shadowy operation was undertaken to bring some of the most skilled German scientists into the United States. It was a secret, and it was treason (I wonder if the new Tom Cruise movie gets into that?)
What ended up happening was a secret kept from the end of the second world war all the way to Watergate --
but most importantly the Nazis despised the Jews in a deep and insane way. In the way that Herod famously feared the birth of Jesus, and so ordered a genocide of Jew babies a lot like what happened in the Holocaust, in the concentration camps. The paranoia of the disciples of Nietzsche was absolute, they had become "anti-christ" - and their hatred of the Hebrew was for that reason -- because they were afraid that, just like in the Bible, the Hebrews would produce some form of God -- reducing all the Nietzchean talk of the non-existance of God to absurdity.
After those Nazis were secretly brought into the United States they IMMEDIATELY began to influence foreign policy.
In other words: the current, modern state of Israel was architected into being in great part by those who despised Hebrew blood and the Jew the most -- people who were determinedly ANTI-CHRIST --
The modern state of Israel didn't kill Rachel Corrie. I KNOW those lame indygeeks.
They probably saw the bulldozer coming and didn't even fucking WARN her.
the same sort of socialist geeks who can't stop laming with antisemitic GARBAGE.
TOOLS of the STATE, tools of this ongoing conspiracy that was deeply involved YEARS before their geek asses started aping punk rock styles in seventh grade because they were tired of getting beaten up in school. socialists? communists? fucking poseurs...
dressed in imitation of the actual anarchists. organized, facilitated, they don't even KNOW why they hate jews. they were told to...fucking poseurs.
they would hate EMMA GOLDMAN, today, if she refused to conform and think as they did.
of course, you do have to think about it hard. In some very real ways, the causes of the second world war still rage if that war had not actually ended with the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- as holocaustal and genocidal as those attacks were.
It shows the general insanity of war.
More importantly, I still wonder: who were the Nazis in the United States when the modern, CURRENT State of Israel was created?
a lot of people have pointed out that modern Israel is treating the Palestinians in a similar manner to the way that the Germans were treating the European Jewry. But what it comes down to is the hidden existance of German, "Aryan" Nazi bigotry and methodology creating United States foreign policy after Nuremberg -- those who were pledged to the extinction of the Jew creating the policy that would lead to the creation of the Modern state of Israel after Nuremberg...
Three names stand out to an average person who researches the second world war in the early 21st century.
Jens Chr. HAUGE died in late 2007, a Norwegian oil millionaire. He fought in the Norwegian resistance to Hitler's Nazis.
Francois MITERRAND was a famous French statesman. History records his political record as having been Conservative and Socialist. He is dead, now.
Hannah Szenes is perhaps one of the most famous of the three. She attempted a military action against the Nazis and died behind enemy lines. She was a Hungarian jew.
There are many legendary and "romanticized" tales of resistance to Nazi tyranny...but as we can see from the above evidence -- those resistance movements have either failed, or have not succeeded yet.
What went wrong, or has failed to go right yet? In the case of Miterrand perhaps the lure of socialism and conservative politics was such that even though he fought against the invading Germans in resistance -- he never made the cognitive leap about "conservative" politics and "socialism" and...
In the case of Hauge, well, someone had to maintain the flow of OIL into Norway. Perhaps to a hardened resistor like Hauge, the connection of oil and Naziism AFTER Hitler would not seem so obvious...
what's missing?
I have some ideas...
OH, IT'S SO DISGUSTING!So: here at peacepink at least one person has complained of feeling like "a sex slave".
as much as it disgusts me i know that such things are real.
But I have spent some time researching and have heard first hand reports.
Two famous people in cyberspace have claimed that they were violated sexually by NWO Operatives,
famously, Arizona Wilder and Cathy O' Brien.
It disgusts me to think of the combination of psychotronic behavior manipulation weapons and perverse sexuality that has no regard for the autonomy of the victims i. e. pedophila --
all the same it is something that a mature person must consider as part of the equation. But the idea of Homosexual Nazis?
One essay online makes it quite plain: Nazis who chose a homosexual lifestyle, male, rejecting female advances, went out IN GERMANY to look for homosexuals who claimed NO allegiance to the Nazi party.
they were thrown into the camps same as the others singled out by the Nazis.
It makes sense. that sick Nazi sense.
Look at what is happening in the Gaza region in the Janurary of 2009.
Look at the events of the Trading with the Enemy Act and the secret "Operation Overcast," later named Operation Paperclip -- you will see the connection.
There has been NO TIME since the war to stop Hitler that a Bush has not been influential in United States Politics!
it's pretty obvious to me that this is a MASSIVE conspiracy with deep seated efforts.
on the other hand i think people who can manage to think independently have little to fear from robotic people.
in the short term.
i would like to see a link to the thing you said about Germany, Eric.
i have seen at that Russia/Putin outlawed said weapons...
the real point of my essay/RANT was that
there was TREASON involving the allies.
it DOES defy credibility (as a functioning scam/deception/conspiracy must.)
and it does involved the Bush administration, and sadly, the United States' historical origin as a place
that could not have been created as it is without the same sort of ethnic prejudice and STUPID RACISM that
was slavery and of course the conquering of the aboriginal peoples' of the American west.
in other words
the Bush Family could not have gotten away with it without a chorus of Americans in Agreement.
some say Stalin only fought against Hitler to defend Russia, not to stop Hitler from doing what he was doing.
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