Anger is a very base emotion. Depending on its intensity it can drive an individual to violent acts against others. In my studies gang stalkers will constantly try to get the targeted individual very angry. The mechanisms of emotion and physiological changes in a person are well known.
We know that emotion is felt physically and that physiological sensation becomes the basis for the mental emotion. Not only are the physical changes to our muscular and the look on our face but there are also neuropharmacological singles that are sent out:
Your kids are screaming. Your wife is bagging on you to mow the lawn while the game is on. You can’t move your car because you’re stuck in a bumper-to-bumper traffic jam that reaches as far as the eye can see. There must be an accident up ahead. Meanwhile the road construction crew a few feet from your car is jack-hammering the pavement. You are about to enter the stress and anger zone. Inside your body the alert goes out.
"Attention all parasympathetic forces. Urgent. Adrenal gland missile silos mounted atop kidneys have just released chemical cortisol weapons of brain destruction. Mobilize all internal defenses. Launch immediate counter-calm hormones before hippocampus is hammered by cortisol." Hormones rush to your adrenal glands to suppress the streaming cortisol on its way to your brain. Other hormones rush to your brain to round up all the remnants of cortisol missles that made it to your hippocampus. These hormones escort the cortisol remnants back to Kidneyland for a one-way ride on the Bladderhorn. You have now reached metabolic equilibrium, also known as homeostasis |
Now imagine that these same readings on you physiological reactions to changes have been stored on a computer and are now imposes upon you whenever the perpetrators want to make you irrationally or even exaggerate the course of a normal altercation that should be peaceably resolved.
For example you could b a good temperate man who gets into a fight with his wife. Normally everything would work out. The perpetraters can change and alter your emotions so metabolic equilibrium or emotional homeostatsis is never reach and you could strike out violently either hurting your wife or much worse hurting or killing your children all because the perpetrators are using a technique known as emotional cloning so they can voyeuristically and vicariously live through your tormented life.
A possible solution is to learn to meditate and deal with anger without a physical reaction so it cannot be cloned and put back upon you at the worst of times. Be slow to anger and count to ten or twenty then laugh about the situation so the perpetrators will miss their entertainment.
We all know that there are individuals that are angry all the time and that are strong enough and trained in the martial arts enough to kill with a single punch if their motions are messes with. These people have been transformed into predators and should be avoided, even ran from.
Messing with human emotion is a big part of how the perpetrator control targeted individuals and makes them put on arguments and plays in groups for their entertainment. We can regain some control by smiling, never physically engaging, not arguing and walking and staying away for these groups of herded targeted individuals
All My Best,
David Huber