MK-Ultra-like experiment (Mind Control) is now worldwide. Canada and China are working on this closely. Most victims are Chinese. If the controlling energy is not high, victims would not feel that it is a big problem, and they normally related it to health problems. Mind control involves the use of chips in the head, and directed energy weapons, such as X-Ray, microwave signal, through-wall high energy microwave. Rather than attacking a victim physically, techniques are used to undermine a person psychologically. It is extremely damaging for the victim.
Subvocal Transmission: to affect the victims pronunciation organ by electromagnetic control transmission, to let victim to speak certain words or sentences. This speaking comes out without thinking process. Very careful victims can understand something is wrong. This process can be realized with/without exciting microchips in the head.
Wireless Thoughts Transmission: transmit modulated brainwave patterns to victim’s exciting microchip(s) in head to realize thoughts pattern transmission.
Brainwave Cracking: Through wave exciting chips to wirelessly transmit brainwave line to computers and filter certain regular brainwave patterns to crack victim’s thinking process.
What do victims experience?
• Cramping/numbness on head.
• Extreme fatigue daytime, especially on the job
• Head pain, dizziness.
• Dream manipulation and sleeping deprivation.
• Muscle cramp
• Fail to concentrate
• Memory interruption and disappearing.
• Speaking without thinking process. (Subvocal transmission)
• Stutter speaking
• Sudden emotion change.
• Forced speaking
• Forced limb motion
• Vision blur
• Burning skin, sometimes with unclear cuts
• Dark face, thin hair affected by electromagnetic transmission.
• Noise harassment from neighbors (Sonic wave pulsing.).
• Inexplicable behavior of anything mechanical or electronic, including TV, computer, car, and appliances, caused by electromagnetic pulsing (for example, TV turning on or off by itself, or “broken” devices that work perfectly when given away)
• Voice to skull (V2K)
Technologies open to public for long:
• Weaponized microwave which can cause a range of debilitating physical conditions silently, through walls
• Through wall radar scanners (as at airports)
• “Lida” technology, pulsing radio transmitters which can cause heavy fatigue on the job, or sleeplessness at night where a target can be aimed at through walls
• “Voice to skull” technology which can deliver voice or other sounds directly to a target, silently to others,through walls, and does not require brain implants (U.S. Army designation “V2K”)
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