I have been a victim my WHoLE life. I do n0t think thats unusual either. I think many of us are and dont realize it. For every victim their are 30-50 more that surround him/her its just the way it works. After all these years I have seen so many mysterious inconsistancies in "the system" that would include Financial institutions, Police, FBI, Insurance, the IRS, Schools, its as if we are in the twilite zone and nobody is held accountable and the ordinary folks have no recourse. The national Infrastructure is fucked and in the meantime us targeted people are everywhere only a few though seem to have the guts to come forward its why nothing will change. WE CANT MAKE A DIFFERENCE with political, victims rights organizations, any court of law, the ACLU etc until we are together in one HUGE undeniable crowd of angry decent moral citizens whose lives are being destroyed at the hands of our government. True victims dont doubt the source or the tech. or look for reasons there are none, its a slow kill is all and a dirty secrect because we got alot of cowards here claiming anger and giving minute to minute reports on their pains, well fuck that cause we all got them and most worse than others, so listen up. If you are employed, in school,have a family a significant other count your blessings cause it isnt gonna last if you dont have the courage to tell your name and address or city at least and email and even phone number. I know for a fact there are thousands and thousands and thousands of victims in this country, who are they???where are they??? They are going to suffer a life of hell if they dont come forward. A little demographics might help determine the source of our attacks based on our experience. But personally I think its laser and satellite, still there have to be based locations. I dont think they are in every state however I think our multilevels of law enforcement are aware and can do so much more and we can demand this of them if we band together. Not with the crazy accounts of our experiences because they cant comprehend but the possibilities are real and there is evidence. So if you care, if you want this to stop, if you want to save the future, Expose your identity, what are you afraid of The "perps" are the bad guys and they know everything about you. Your hiding from others like yourself. I will state yet again I LIVE IN FORT LAUDERDALE FL. MY EMAIL IS CINDAMOUR@GMAIL.COM. Iknow this community is filled with victims if you live in my area come forward.Ten of us can go to the police together and file a complaint, what are you afraid of? I have done this myself alone on more than one occasion and maybe the detectives here need a mob scene in order to realize how antiquated there system is or they are just stupid, na, or bullies who get off on intimidating victims definitely.This is the solution people if it occurs EVERYWHERE. All the letters to washington are useless they cant see the numbers involved we arent a threat unless we are in numbers. Its the truth for change. Please help. Please come forward and help make a difference and please keep your alien stories and conspiracy theory's behind it just undermines the truth and discredits us.
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