God wants people to know that the ones behind the Targeted Individual phenomena are in Virginia Naval Base Lab in Halifax by the airport exit and Tuft Airport Rd. There is also another naval base lab in Maryland that is also behind the assaults. Thus the names of the people who are harming me and many others are Kim Chang, Dan Kraus, Katherine Shulan and Mr Haneya at the Halifax, Virginia naval base lab on Tuft Airport Rd area where there are many buildings and homes where satanists live and engage in killing babies and human sacrifice. They are hitting babies in the head witih electrical fields in private homes where babies suffer sudden infant death. And are shooting beams into facilities for autistic children and are sexually stimulating them and experimenting on altering their minds with electronic warfare by beaming also at them like Targeted Individuals. I do spiritual practices and God says that the issue will end only when the children are included in the law suits against the military and ones behind this agenda. Many autistic children are hearing the voices from V2K and they have to be included in the law suits and that is how God says this crime will end.
Please see my video I posted on this site from youtube (BELOW!). And subscribe to my youtube channel as we all need to sue the military naval labs together with the help of many children who are autistic who hear the v2k. And fight the criminals over and over as per spiritual communion with God. My youtube link below about this issue i also posted on this website in the 'video' area. Many adults have either the v2k from the Maryland naval base lab by potomac and some like myself are harmed by the sister organization at the Virginia naval base lab by Kim Chang and Dan Kraus. I need to sue them with others. The implants in our eyes, ears and other areas will match the ones the v2K individuals have inside their bodies in many matching areas. I can actually hear the names now with God's help. Many will be able to get the names of their harassers if they are spiritual. What I did was over-ride their implants and with God's help they can't hide information and they will give names and locations. I do spiritual breathing excercises and this helps get spiritual help. I can pulse the v2k people in the eyes and stun them, and pulse them over the main implant in their bodies that shut them down (under right breast, left side) with spiritual focus on the cross or jewish star one can send it into them and they may be unable to hide their names and locations when asked. Ask god for help as he's going to try to help people get the names of the v2k individuals so we can sue. I can get some of the names when looking at someone's picture as the implants give off a signal, even in photos. And can help people in the future. The v2k people get freaked out when you find their names and locations and they confirmed to me that the info I got with God's help is correct. The autistic children are being hit with weapons by Kim Chang, Dan Kraus, Katherine Shulan at the Virginia naval base lab in Halifax, virginia on airport rd, leads road and homes along that main street where the satanists like Katherine Shulan and Dan Kraus live and kill infants and eat flesh, and drink blood. They have to be put into jail..
Subscribe to my youtube channel as I will have alot more info. And watch my recent video on the details of how they harm us and the ones behind the v2k that we need to sue.
P.S - I don't know which category this fits into
"God wants people to know that the ones behind the Targeted Individual phenomena...", your bio-hacked . "God" is just another name for the "Lord of the land/King/Ruler/Leader", Roman emporers, which is where this Luciferian cult has stemmed from, would sometimes have people referr to them by the title of "God", the CIA/Military and other Intelligence community personal are using this title, just call them "Directors" or "Commanding officers", it's the correct term for them. Also, the staff attacking you are likewise biohacked, a friendly heads up.
Actually, I am spiritual like those in the scriptures I do holy communion with The Lord, Thy God daily and the message was from "THE" REAL God. I am not sure what you mean when you say that God is anything but God. God is actually here with me and is wondering why you would not respond about how you are being monitored and harmed. And therefore, God gave you the answer to who is harming you. You have an eye implant on the left side with the v2k criminal harasser Kim Chang's identity who has a matching electrode in his eye. He is the one harming you.
And you should know that this world is not aligning to God to know God is needed to save the children who are harmed. And thus, you are knowing that this is urgent! And God is waiting for you to awaken to His presence in spiritual alignment. Then one can hear the name of the attacker when speaking to Him and get confirmation with God's help when doing spiritual methods all day with God focus.. And know your attacker is ALSO Kim Chang (a man) of the Virginia military naval base labs in Halifax by Tuft Airport Rd. And Kim also works in the Texas naval base labs also by the border of Mexico. When doing the Lords prayer and other reading materials that are spiritual God will be with you. And then you can get ability to know that God is God.
When you find out who your attacker is we have to find more and children harmed and sue them with many people to stop this attack. And God would like you to know that He is a little bit more kind then the CIA. I do yogi breathing methods called pranayama with God focus within and it leads to God communion if one is dedicated. If you want to talk, then message me. Thanks
Why does God torture people using human technology? Why does your "God", speak to you through CIA microwave/Frey hearing effect? Mentioning peoples names can get people harmed, best to leave peoples names out of this as they're all bio-hacked as well by unknown Intelligence community assailants.