Has anyone thought about living with other TI's for support?
Even buying a cheap piece of land in the middle of nowhere building a cheap home and being as self-sufficeint as possible? Even combining our skills and what money we have to build a small community?
Or do you think it would be asking for trouble?
This is the link to the TI settlement colony site in India dubbed "People Trust"
Do you know anything else about it Lim SC?? I have emailed them, am waiting for a reply. Isolation and seperation is exactly what they need for this to work best for them.
We are each others only witnesses and I think TI communities is a great idea and a way to bring more attention to our issue. There's more strength, safety everything in numbers.
We're not getting anywhere much being scattered around the globe
franko said:
we should all live in a group so that they can't destroy our dwelling spaces and work. We could have ... lives.