The speaker on a conference call I listened to recently for TIs mentioned the term "hate stalking" and suggested the audience look it up. I had never heard the term before and did a google search. It's where a person hates someone and follows their activity online and in the real world as much as possible, looking to hate, critique, mock, and hurt the individual. The articles I read didn't mention the use of electronic weapons. Just old-fashioned hatred. I was shocked to read one young woman's assumption that everyone does it. Everyone?! I do not, will not, nor did it ever occur to me. But her attitude that hate stalking is normal worries me. I guess this is the world I'm living in. Life is hard enough. Can we not put that energy to better use?
I don't know. History shows that humans have attacked each other since time began. I have a deep belief that life is basically good, that love is the binding force in the universe, that love will always prevail. We have miraculous technology now. The technology used for V2k can also be used to make a blind person see and a deaf person hear. And instead of that, we use it to torture each other. Ego gone rampant! The idea that if someone doesn't agree with me or live their life the way I think they should gives me the right to torture them is absurd. With all of our brilliance we are still behaving like cave people.
I get really angry at my perps. Torture will do that to a person. I scream at a random part of the wall (not sure where they're watching me from) that I hope that someone does to them all the cruel things they do to me, that I hate them. When I calm down, I realize that I have no desire to torture or to see anyone tortured, not even the people who torture me. I do wish that they could live happily ever after on some other planet, designed for people like themselves. LOL. I hope somehow that they develop compassion, humility, empathy. And I pray every day for the ability to love and forgive my abusers. I don't know if this prayer does anything for them but it does soothe me.