I wonder if there is such a thing as ancient soul saving technology given some of the voices I hear. I am going to assume that there is for the duration of this conversation.
There is a teaching in the Christian church that I disagree with. We are not supposed to talk to the souls of the dead. Why not? Most likely have a conscience, they are souls. I particularly disagree with voices that separate us from our own ancestors.
Another teaching I disagree with is that Christians are not supposed to think on their own. I think you need to use your conscience, it is an important divining rod that can reveal lying spirits. I'm not Christian, but I'm for respecting other peoples beliefs. Be careful though, our fossil record completely contradicts the Christian God's claim. The young earth theories are the only theories left standing that could salvage the Christian God's claim from what I've seen.
This is more relevant to TI's than some understand. There is evidence suggestive of ancient technology. The symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia, demon possession, and modern mental technology abuse are all similar. Paranoid schizophrenia and demon possession predate the electronics era. There are also a large number of religious people who hear voices, see visions, and 'talk to God'.
And, hello from the souls of the dead, if that's what some are.