I have been a victim of being a human experiment by a group of psychopaths since earlier this year. They use electronic harassment and have in the past used a variety of other evil methods to drive me crazy and make me question what is real and what is not real. They use everyone around me, at first they made my loved ones act very strangely, and now they make them all act like everything is normal even though they have obviously been very evil to everyone I care about, not just me. They follow me around everywhere using the voice-to-skull method, constantly talking wherever I go 24/7. I have been mostly isolated from my community and everyone I care about since this began. They literally turn everyone around me evil, obviously they force them to be evil, another reason I don’t leave my home. It is heartbreaking to know that everyone I care about knows what is going on and they have to act normal, that they can’t help me or themselves to get rid of these evil people. They constantly watch me and everyone I care about, at least, I assume they watch the people I care about as well as my family. They direct thoughts into my head and constantly play mind games with me. They cause ringing in my ears. Is there anything I can do or you could do to help me? They’ve made it so I can’t go try to get help. They make everyone act like I’m just crazy or just have schizophrenia, but believe me, it’s not that at all. I’m a completely normal innocent person. That’s what, I would imagine, they do to all their targets – choose normal, good, innocent people to make them as miserable as these evil people obviously are with themselves. Worst of all they get away with what they do because, of course, there’s no physical evidence. I believe they implanted a chip in my arm but I have no way to go anywhere, and no one I could go to, to get it out of my arm. I am pretty sure they manipulate everyone I go around to act like I’m just crazy which makes it seem even more hopeless. Please, please help me. It’s not me who I’m worried about. I’m worried about the people I care about since they’ve obviously already been very evil to those who I care about. It’s extremely heartbreaking to think about what they probably have forced my friends and family to do and act like. We are not criminals. We are normal, everyday people being illegally watched and messed with every day of our lives. I never knew anything like this even existed. If it matters I live at 38 Aroostook Scenic Highway, Hersey, Maine. Yeah. Northern Maine. How surprising it is for someone who lives in a small town to be going through this – probably another reason they chose to do this to me, because we live in a small community, not easy for them to be located that way. I’m desperate for help. You don’t want to know what they’ve already done to me. I could write a book about all the evil things they’ve done to us and the mind games they’ve played with me. Please, please help us.
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