This may seem simplistic, but for some TIs, it would mean the difference between life and non-life until they die.  If all the energy poured into some of the threads I've read on this webpage were focused upon organizing a "Evidence Gathering Business", it could be the straw that broke gangstalking's back.

Briefly CONSIDER....

     Two-four TIs who work together and earn a living by collecting evidence a TI client can take to a civil rights lawyer.  In my case, if such a group would show up every day for a week at around 1:30pm w/cameras, in 5 short days, I would have the proof I needed to begin to end what has been happening to me for well over a decade.  This is the real bona fide evidence which would back up my claim enough to force something to be done at some level.  I paid a foolish PI $2000 to collect evidence - he was discovered 5 minutes after he parked his car a block away.  I even solicited Rambo types on Craigslist to bring a camera and sit in a building I own across the street and take pictures - only the perps answered my ads until it was flagged off CL.  There is NOONE who better knows stalkers' tricks and is qualified to catch perps than a fellow TI.
     I know not all TIs have a lot of money to pay, but some do.  And I'd guess most TIs would sell a kidney to get the money if there was a chance to stop the GS misery in their lives.

     There would have to be a trustworthy contact person that TIs trust who could coordinate and point the investigative teams to the TIs who want to hire them.  For safety's sake there wouldn't have to be any direct contact with the TI client, and the team would not commit to showing up on any given date, to lessen the chance of a perp set-up.  Once pics collected, one could be shown to TI and fee would be paid for emailed set of all pics collected by the team.


     The added benefit would be the beginning of legal prosecution of perps, and media attention.  Several court decisions in the favor of TIs would begin to undermine GS, and expose it public scrutiny.  Once exposed, laws will follow describing the crime and putting it in the book to make prosecution easier.

Anyone interested in becoming a worshiped savior?

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  •      I'd also been thinking about "perpie from the train".  However, if I remember, there was a problem w/reciprocation.    I've always thought how easy it would be if there were someone I could get to come here bcz the perps are so arrogantly obvious in what they do.  Sure there are a lot of them in the group to watch and cover each other's back, but there is a perimeter beyond which the perps don't bother watching their own backs.  It would be like taking candy from a baby catching mine in the act.

         Teams could be set up by state, so they don't have to travel from Oregon to Pennsylvania to do the job.  I've got to believe ANY TI would jump at the chance to turn the tables on ANY perp (theirs or someone elses).  Imagine the high giggly feeling you would have taking that first picture of a perp in the act of vandalism.

  •      It's kind of difficult being charged with stalking if you are lawfully either on public or the TIs property, and are there at the behest of the TI to photograph acts of vandalism, harassment or trespass against that TI.  So far as I know, it is not illegal to take a picture of a criminal committing a crime against another person.  It is up to the authorities, be they a lawyer or police, to determine whether the photographed person is committing a criminal act.  The burden to explain is upon the criminal in the photo, not the person taking the picture.

         As for being "kicked off CL"???  The ad was most likely flagged by perps.  I'm not exactly sure what you are implying.  In my "employment ad" I explained the stalking situation and offered a hefty bounty on the head of any person they could photograph in a criminal act on my property.

    David ofTomorrow said:

    I think your idea is great! Unless you and your cohorts ard actually wrong about who your stalking. Then you get stalking charges........

    There's a reason you got kicked off Craigslist,  and it has nothing to do with perps.

  •      It's always risky when TIs get together bcz you never know for sure who to trust as not being a perp.  I once was very close to a TI for over a year and happened to mention M&M's.  She went ballistic and accused me of being one of her perps, never mind that I was 2000 miles away from her.  I was dumbfounded!  It was later determined that her perps used M&M's as one of her triggers and she immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion when I mentioned M&Ms.  First rule of TI'dom is to "TRUST NOONE", ever == so I understand her reaction.

         I got to thinking about reciprocity and it's very simple... you each hold onto the photos until both people have completed their part of the bargain.

    LaBrat said:

    I agree, frank, i don't think reciprocity will be any problem at all - it's not like we're doing anything wrong we have to be tricked into, and that "high-giggly feeling" sounds like JUST the tonic!   i was unusually slow-witted today, the caravan of unintended adolts at consecutive intersections were making the driver a bit nervous, if nothing else i could have afforded her some relief just by pointing her distance-lens camera at them    ("what a maroon" as bugs bunny would say - we'd been filming real wildlife, but some 'varmint' trophies would also come in handy...)

  • Well lime I said,  if you sre rihht...its a great idea!

    As to the Craigslist add , they cant allow anyone to post vigilante justice because any resulting legal action could end up in their lap for allowing it. 

    You should stick with private investgators. Tbey ard pros, and you said that one actually got evidence in 5 minutes.  Why don't you use that evidence? 

    Frank Miller said:

         It's kind of difficult being charged with stalking if you are lawfully either on public or the TIs property, and are there at the behest of the TI to photograph acts of vandalism, harassment or trespass against that TI.  So far as I know, it is not illegal to take a picture of a criminal committing a crime against another person.  It is up to the authorities, be they a lawyer or police, to determine whether the photographed person is committing a criminal act.  The burden to explain is upon the criminal in the photo, not the person taking the picture.

         As for being "kicked off CL"???  The ad was most likely flagged by perps.  I'm not exactly sure what you are implying.  In my "employment ad" I explained the stalking situation and offered a hefty bounty on the head of any person they could photograph in a criminal act on my property.

    David ofTomorrow said:

    I think your idea is great! Unless you and your cohorts ard actually wrong about who your stalking. Then you get stalking charges........

    There's a reason you got kicked off Craigslist,  and it has nothing to do with perps.

  • Dear David of Tomorrow

    ===== The CL ad was to hire someone to take pictures, not sever heads and bring them to me for payment.  Unless a video camera is inherently capable of shooting bullets, there was no solicitation of violence or vigilante justice in the ad.


    ===== I'm not sure how you consider the following a success regarding hiring a PI.

    "I paid a foolish PI $2000 to collect evidence - he was discovered 5 minutes after he parked his car a block away."

         There was NO evidence.  PIs are totally unfamiliar with the methods used by group stalkers to carry out their crimes.  This PI drove right into the stalkers' protection zone and got ID'd immediately, even though group stalking methods had been explained to him.

         That's the whole point of the discussion - unless you are familiar with GS activities, an outsider does not understand the dynamics, and you are spitting in the wind if you rely on them.  The people most capable of photographing perps are other TI's.

         Please read the post thoroughly bf commenting, unless it is your intent to cause clarification dialogue.

    David ofTomorrow said:

    Well lime I said,  if you sre rihht...its a great idea!

    As to the Craigslist add , they cant allow anyone to post vigilante justice because any resulting legal action could end up in their lap for allowing it. 

    You should stick with private investgators. Tbey ard pros, and you said that one actually got evidence in 5 minutes.  Why don't you use that evidence? 

    Frank Miller said:

         It's kind of difficult being charged with stalking if you are lawfully either on public or the TIs property, and are there at the behest of the TI to photograph acts of vandalism, harassment or trespass against that TI.  So far as I know, it is not illegal to take a picture of a criminal committing a crime against another person.  It is up to the authorities, be they a lawyer or police, to determine whether the photographed person is committing a criminal act.  The burden to explain is upon the criminal in the photo, not the person taking the picture.

         As for being "kicked off CL"???  The ad was most likely flagged by perps.  I'm not exactly sure what you are implying.  In my "employment ad" I explained the stalking situation and offered a hefty bounty on the head of any person they could photograph in a criminal act on my property.

    David ofTomorrow said:

    I think your idea is great! Unless you and your cohorts ard actually wrong about who your stalking. Then you get stalking charges........

    There's a reason you got kicked off Craigslist,  and it has nothing to do with perps.

  •      In your surfing travels, has anyone ever run across stats/research on the number of victims a group of stalkers have at one time?

         So much time, energy and way of life is devoted to GS'ing a TI, that the draw of it must overflow into tormenting other TIs in a geographical area.

         This would mean you might have a potentially strong ally right in your back yard and not be aware of it until you go looking.

  • Frank, those ic control of the gang stalkers have machnes that read your mind. Tgey also communicate with the stalkers through this technology.  They only let you see what they want, which ie nothing. So you wont have evoidence. Because they read your mind, they are one step ahead of you. 

    Therefore,  the idea of sneaking up on a gangstalker to take pictures is a falacy. Theh only let you take pictures that make you look crazy when you show them to others.

    As to your craigslist add, I responded to the way you posted it. And, just taking pictures of strangers can be construed as unethical if not illegal.  If you think craigslist has wrongfully removed your post,  there are legal ways to prove it. 

    One question I have is: if you get gangstalking victims to carry the cameras, how does the person decipher between his gangstalkers and yours? And if you have 5 camera operators who are all gangstalked,  there will be massive amounts of gangstalkers. Did you consider this? They would all be co trolled by the machine operators, so you would get nothing useable as faf as pictures, but it might be over whelming to surround yourself with 6 people's worth of gangstalkers. 

    Frank Miller said:

    Dear David of Tomorrow

    ===== The CL ad was to hire someone to take pictures, not sever heads and bring them to me for payment.  Unless a video camera is inherently capable of shooting bullets, there was no solicitation of violence or vigilante justice in the ad.


    ===== I'm not sure how you consider the following a success regarding hiring a PI.

    "I paid a foolish PI $2000 to collect evidence - he was discovered 5 minutes after he parked his car a block away."

         There was NO evidence.  PIs are totally unfamiliar with the methods used by group stalkers to carry out their crimes.  This PI drove right into the stalkers' protection zone and got ID'd immediately, even though group stalking methods had been explained to him.

         That's the whole point of the discussion - unless you are familiar with GS activities, an outsider does not understand the dynamics, and you are spitting in the wind if you rely on them.  The people most capable of photographing perps are other TI's.

         Please read the post thoroughly bf commenting, unless it is your intent to cause clarification dialogue.

    David ofTomorrow said:

    Well lime I said,  if you sre rihht...its a great idea!

    As to the Craigslist add , they cant allow anyone to post vigilante justice because any resulting legal action could end up in their lap for allowing it. 

    You should stick with private investgators. Tbey ard pros, and you said that one actually got evidence in 5 minutes.  Why don't you use that evidence? 

    Frank Miller said:

         It's kind of difficult being charged with stalking if you are lawfully either on public or the TIs property, and are there at the behest of the TI to photograph acts of vandalism, harassment or trespass against that TI.  So far as I know, it is not illegal to take a picture of a criminal committing a crime against another person.  It is up to the authorities, be they a lawyer or police, to determine whether the photographed person is committing a criminal act.  The burden to explain is upon the criminal in the photo, not the person taking the picture.

         As for being "kicked off CL"???  The ad was most likely flagged by perps.  I'm not exactly sure what you are implying.  In my "employment ad" I explained the stalking situation and offered a hefty bounty on the head of any person they could photograph in a criminal act on my property.

    David ofTomorrow said:

    I think your idea is great! Unless you and your cohorts ard actually wrong about who your stalking. Then you get stalking charges........

    There's a reason you got kicked off Craigslist,  and it has nothing to do with perps.

  • La brat, you are a fuck up. The Vernon post was from Jamuary and made by Vernon. If you can't get something as simple as that straight , well..... Please go out with your camera to catch perps as soon as possible!!! The sooner you get out into the looney bin , or jail the better for humanity in general. Your head is so far up your ass you talk to yourself.

         Thanks LaBrat for the moderation tip.  Consider the issue resolved. 

         I don't really mind though, bcz when someone tries to make me look stupid, or uses perpish tactics online, they give themselves and their intent away quickly.  Besides, on the ground minions can't seem to spell, don't have much of a vocabulary, and the grammar is usually atrocious.   But, even the nonsense questions have value and add fuel the debate.  Too bad David's profile is locked so no-one can read his other comments.

         Has anyone ever noticed that those that are the first to resort to foul language and name calling are those who have a vested interest in seeing GS flourish?  Must be a one of those lack of vocabulary things...

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