Hello everyone on ppink:) Though i may have some what of a special case with the perp i am cursed with, I have been able to almost completely stop the use of pain sensation on myself simply through intimidation. For the most of the month of September 2015 i used and, still am using at this time, a reporting method through government agency websites. These agencies I have been concentrating on include the NSA,CIA, and FBI. It is perfectly legal to report terrorist activity if you believe someone is a terrorist, which i beyond a shadow of a doubt believe the individuals that torture us are in fact terrorists due to the fear, tyranny, and pain methods they use to keep us afraid and subservient. I have labeled my perp a terrorist in each one of these reports. The fact that i have labeled him a terrorist at all seams to be a very powerful intimidation tool. I threaten to report him every time he induces a sensation that is uncomfortable for me and that appears to be keeping this individual at bay for now. Though he still talks (v2k) to me constantly and attempts to discourage and distract me from my efforts to do research on satellite tech. and from conversations on ppink, the worst thing he can seem to pull off lately is mess with my internet by slowing it down through a beam from the satellite aimed at my WiFi router. I remain stead fast everyday with the reporting even when my internet slows. This method has helped me immensely and the fact more people may start reporting these perps to the government may in fact sway more influential persons with greater authority to stop these perps forever through the legal system or some sort of a constitutional amendment. I truly hope this theory will fill your hearts with hope as it has my own.
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