Have you ever been a victim of controlled dreaming? These are the type of dreams that are very lucid. They are what the gang stalkers use on targeted individuals to direct dreams. They are the dreams we have where we are very busy, emotional and frantic in them. The dreams are also characterized by waking up more tired than we were before we went to sleep. Controlled dreaming is a tool the perpetrators use to tire the individual and wear them down physiologically and psychologically.

My theory is to monitor the person suffering from mind control and controlled dreaming. First attention should be drawn to the brain pattern output to determine what level they are at: theta, delta and REM.

The cognitive pattern (CPR) machine can be used throughout this experiment to monitor on a screen the images that the sufferer is seeing. EOG and EMG can be used to determine the sleep state EOG to check for REM and EMG to check for a loss of muscle tone that is associated with real sleep.

It is my contention that if we do not see the suffer go near the proper brain wave activity for sleeping, REM or delta level or any level associated with dream imagery and we see distinct imagery on the CPR machine then we will have proof of this type of manipulation.

I first became aware of cognitive pattern recognition in a medical television serial called house. The episode it is demonstrated called House - Season 6, Episode 15 and this web address outlines the technology as it is applied to the story line. This is a real science and I am including a pdf document called lucid dreaming which outlines studies conducted at the UC Santa Clara.

Cognitive Pattern Recognition. CPR is a experimental procedure that theoretically maps out how the brain processes images, and uses that information to build images of the brain's thoughts.  The procedure works it will display images on a monitor of what an individual is dreaming. If this is used in conjunction with a sub vocalization processor possible from we may be able to hear how the dreams are narrated. The sub vocalization processing can give us an idea of how the targeted individual responds vocally / sub vocally to the manipulations.

The Lucidity Institute in Palo Alto CA may have the appropriate equipment to run these types of tests.  If not the department of psychology and Tracey Kahan may have the equipment as well.

When a sleep researcher sets out to study the process of sleep he or she generally relies on three fundamental measures, as the basis for defining stages of sleep. First, gross brain wave activity is considered, as measured by an electroencephalogram (EEG). This machine provides the summary of electrical activity from one area of the brain. Second, muscle tone is measured with a electromyogram (EMG) machine. Third, eye movement is recorded via an electro-oculogram (EOG). As we will see, the EEG reading is the most important measure in differentiating between the stages, while the EMG and EOG are most important in differentiating rapid eye movement (REM) sleep from the other stages.

When awake, most people exhibit brain wave, (EEG) patterns that can be classified into two types of waves, beta and alpha. Beta waves are those associated with day to day wakefulness. These waves are the highest in frequency and lowest in amplitude, and also more desynchronous than other waves. The first stage of sleep is characterized by theta waves, which are even slower in frequency and greater in amplitude than alpha waves. The difference between relaxation and stage 1 sleep is gradual and subtle. As the sleeper moves to stage 2 sleep theta wave activity continues, interspersed with two unusual wave phenomena.

During a normal nights sleep a sleeper passes from the theta waves of stage 1 and 2, to the delta waves of stage 3 and 4. Delta waves are the slowest and highest amplitude brain waves. There is no real division between stages 3 and 4 except that, typically, stage 3 is considered delta sleep in which less than 50 percent of the waves are delta waves, and in stage 4 more than 50 percent of the waves are delta waves. Delta sleep is our deepest sleep, the point when our brain waves are least like waking. Consequently, it is most difficult stage in which to wake sleepers, and when they are awakened they are usually sleepy and disoriented. Interestingly, delta sleep is when sleep walking and sleep talking is most likely to occur.

Besides these four basic stages of sleep, another, unique, stage of sleep exists, REM. This stage gets its name from the darting eye movements that accompany it (rapid eye movement), as indicated by the EOG. Interestingly, it is also characterized by a sudden and dramatic loss of muscle tone, which is measured by the EMG. In fact, the skeletal muscles of a person during REM sleep are effectively paralyzed. This stage is also, associated with a unique brain wave pattern too, in that during REM sleep a sleepers brain waves demonstrate characteristics that are similar to waking sleep, a combination of alpha, beta, and desynchronous waves. Most importantly to psychologists, this is the stage of sleep most associated with dreaming. When a sleeper in a research lab begins to exhibit the physiological indices of R.E.M sleep, and they are awakened, the great majority of the time they will report that they were having a vivid, story-like, dream. During other stages, on the other hand, they normally do not report dreaming.


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