How to differentiate the mind control thoughts from normal thoughts
How to detect the mind control thoughts which are generated external to a persons brain and transmitted to the targets brain. Mind Control thoughts can control persons speech, action, change opinion, perform involuntary action and etc.

The mind control thought will come to a persons brain out of the blue (out of nothing). When mind control thought forced to the brain, it will suppress the normal thought process and will have no relation with the past thoughts. All the mind control thoughts will be emotional in nature which utilizes more brain resource than the mundane thought, emotional thoughts will suppress the reasoning brain from functioning so that only the execution part of the brain is only active. This helps in the perps in complete and accurate mind control by disabling the decision making part of the brain (which helps the brain in choosing the right actions).

Natural thought flow are linked to each other.

Thoughts of the Human brain operates in a chained manner. One thought lead to other which has a relation or link between them. For example if you see a picture of food in TV then you might remember that you have to cook for dinner. If you remember that you have to cook then you will remember that you have forgotten to buy bread or other items for cooking, if you remember that you have to shop then you would remember that you have to buy other items and so on. Above example shops how the thoughts are linked to each other and the way the thought flow from one to other.

Normally all the thoughts formed in the human brain works in this fashion of linking the thoughts to form new thoughts which directs you to perform the required action. When a new thought is formed in the brain which has no relation between the previous one then it is not a natural thought and it could be a mind control thought which is forced into your brain. This method helps in differentiating the normal thought from the other thoughts.

1. Signature of the thought:
There are methods that helps in differentiating the normal thoughts from the mind control thoughts by analyzing the signature of the thought. Every human has a unique style of thinking or forming a thought. The attributes of the thoughts are attitude of the thought, energy of the thought and perspective of the thought.

1.1 Attitude of the thought process:
This method helps in differentiating the mind control thoughts from normal thoughts by analyzing the attitude of the thought. For example when you want to meet your manager you will have a plan when to meet him. Normal thought process of feeling to meet your manager would be “I am done with the work and I shall meet the manager now”. But the mind control thought would be “MEET THE MANAGER NOW”. Here the attitude of the two thought process are different. In case of Mind controlled thought process the information is blunt which only activates your brain part which is responsible for only execution of the task and does not activate the reasoning part of the brain. But in the case of normal thought process the first part of the brain which gets activated is the reasoning part, then followed by the execution part of the brain. In the case of mind controlled thought the perp only wants to activate the execution part of the brain because if the reasoning part of the brain gets activated then the TI might think “why should we meet the manager now and is this the right time“ or decide the decision that is advantageous for the TI.

1.1.1 Why this mind control:
Mind control thought of meeting the manager can be for many reasons. The perp is ready with the mind control of the manager so that the manager can scold the TI, which might look to the TI as if the manager is stalking. In this case if you delay the meeting then the perp has to wait and this produces the uncertainty in the mind control process and execution. But when you give up and plan to meet the manager immediately after the mind control then the perp who is ready with the mind control machine can control the manager to scold the TI.

1.2 Energy of the thought:
Energy in the Normal thought process will be almost the same between the thoughts (that is the energy is same from one thought to the other). The energy of the mind control thought will be normally different from the energy of the normal thought process. Whenever you get a thought who’s energy is substantially higher that the previous thought then there is high probability that the thought to be mind controlled. Normally energy of the thought process will be higher than the mundane thought process.

The energy for the mundane thought process like “drink water” and the energy of the critical thought process like “I forgot to lock the house door ” will be different. By learning the difference of energy and learning to analyze the energy for each process will help us to differentiate between the mind control thought process whose energy will be different from the previous normal thought.  

For example you are watching the commercials in the TV about the food, which induces thoughts like Thought1 “Oh I am suppose to cook for dinner” and this thought would give rise to thought like Thought2 “to cook I need to buy olive oil and I don’t have it in the house” which once again gives rise to thought Thought3 “I have to shop for olive oil”. The energy level of the thought 1,2 and 3 would approximately same. But assume when perp is mind controlling you and it happens to be in between the thought2 and thought3, then the energy level of the thought3 will be very different (high) from the thought2.

1.3 Perspective of the thought:
When a perp wants mind control you then the perspective of the perp is to make you follow the mind control thought irrespective of anything. The perp may not care about the style of the thought or the perp have limitation such that the perp may not know what you really want at the given time. What the perp wants is to make you follow the mind control thought. In such case the perspective of the thought or the shortness in the perspective of the induced mind control thoughts will lack in style or information. By learning what perps could know or what would be the perps perspective, helps in differentiating the mind controlled thought from the normal thoughts.

1.2 Deception of victims to achieve accurate mind control:  

1.2.1 Normal operation of the brain:
Human brain can perform only a limited task at a time. At most a person can listen a song at the same time read books. It is very difficult for a person to perform more than two things at a time. It is not possible for a person to read book, listen to music and paint at the same time. Now lets analyze when a person performs two task at a time, say reading a book and listening to music, how does the brain can perform two task at a time. In the above case the brain schedules two tasks and provide time slot for each of the two operation. For a given time slot the person reads the book and for remaining of the time the person listens to the song. Normally the person will provide more emphasize to reading the book since reading involves understand the alphabetical characters in the book in a given sentence, forming the word and understand it, read the entire sentence and collate the meaning of the sentence and keeping track of the story. But to listen very less effort is required. The book reading requires appreciable brain bandwidth and listening to music is autonomous action which doesn’t require much of the brain bandwidth. Book reading involves decision making often and is higher than the listening action. Once the action is predetermined, then to execute the task the brain takes less of its bandwidth and hence the reason that it takes less effort for listening to music. But reading involves decision making for each line(after reading the words in the given line which word to look for in the next line) or even for each word (new vocabulary takes more time to read).

1.2.2 Other TI assaults and its influence on Mind Control:
Above paragraph explains the normal operation of the brain on day to day life. Above operation is very well understood by the designers of the mind control equipment. Normally mind control equipment works in conjunction with the directed energy weapons or other techniques which takes most of the mind control victim brain bandwidth before the mind control process. Once the brain has lesser bandwidth then the decision making will severely gets affected and it is possible for the mind control equipment to direct the mind control thoughts to the execution region of the brain which execute the work without reasoning.        

1.2.3 Action based Mind Control and Training based mind control:
Example given in the section 1.1.1 is an Action based mind control, which is aimed to achieve immediate goals. The Training based mind control is used to train the TI brain (about a perspective, place or person) using the mind control thoughts. Compared to the action based mind control this process is slow and time consuming whose effect is aimed for the use in the later stage of the TI social control. Following is an Example for Training based mind control:
The ultimate aim of the perps is to control the TI in all the aspect of the life. To control a person, the person should lose control of himself such that the mind control can take over the persons mind and hence the mind control. To make a person lose control of himself, the person should be excited emotionally and one way of doing it in the work place (for example) is by making the person to think hostile about his peers as part work place social control. For example if a TI is working in a company and perp is planning to have complete control of the TI in the work place then the TI has to be emotionally excited with bad mood often. By doing so the TI can be easily mind controlled whenever the perp want. One way of emotionally exciting the TI is to play around the belief of the TI. In this type of mind control the Tis belief is changed or exerted using the mind control.

To make the TI believe that all his/her peers are perps, perps have to setup a drama to begin with, so that the TI develop the belief that all his peers are perps. This drama can be arranged such that the peers of the TI can be mind controlled and make the peers to display the standard anchor (standard gesture of the perp to display the gang stalking like cough, rude behaviors, scratching the nose, etc which cause bad mood in TI) the perps normally display. After controlling the peers of TI to display Gangstalking anchors or gesture, the perps mind control the TI saying that the “this peer is definitely a perp” and the perps might repeat this often on many peers so that the TI believes that all the peers are perps. This type of mind control can be classified as Training based mind control where the perps introduce a belief in the TI and use this belief in later stage to cause bad mood or mind control and hence the social control of the TI.

Once the belief is set in the TI then even for little stimuli from the perp the TI will feel offended and emotionally disturbed. The emotional disturbance helps is easy control of the TI. Further perp plans and execute similar social control scheme on TI to create complication in the all the aspect of the TIs life.

1.3 Mind control and problematic affairs:
Mind control can be used to create love and affairs with the given person (say person-A being perp).  Consider the case when Person-A is perp who is introduced into the Tis life so that to create complication in the TI life. Similar to the exertion of belief in TI the mind control can be also used to introduce affairs with the given person.  

To create love affairs with the Person-A, on every encounter of the TI with the Person-A the TI is mind controlled to create love emotional feelings towards the Person-A. After several such encounters the TI will develop love over the Person-A and this happens without the knowledge of TI (that the TI is mind controlled). This relation is artificially created to introduce perp into the TI life as spouse, so that the Person-A create complications in the TI life and with this complication in life the TI life can be easily social controlled.

1.4 TI Social Control using remote mood reading:
There is a question among Tis whether the perps can read the Tis mind. But most of the TI agree that the remote mood reading is possible (with or without the body implant). Mind reading is the reading of the thoughts of the TI which includes the words used in the thoughts, but in mood reading only the type of emotion is read for example reading anger or fear or happiness etc and the words used in the emotional thoughts are not read. As a part of the TI social control, the state of the TI brain is monitored and controlled to be in preoccupied state.

1.4.1 Monitoring the TI brain:
Every moment of the TI is Monitored and the mood change is tracked. Different part of the TI brain is active for different mood of the brain. By scanning the TI brain and finding which part of the brain is active the perp can find the mood of the TI. Extreme emotional states causes high potent ional state in the brain which can be easily detected using the scanning. Calm state of the brain causes less potential state of the brain which is difficult to detect by the scanning machine. The Brain monitoring machine scans the TI brain regularly (say for every second) to detect and track the moods in the TI. Since calm state is difficult to detect by the brain monitoring machine, the TI is harassed or assaulted to cause extreme mood swings to start detecting the mood and track it using the brain monitoring machine.

1.4.2 Control of TI brain to be in preoccupied state:
The ultimate aim of the perps is to control the TI in all the aspect of the life. As part of the TI social or life control the TI is kept preoccupied with random thoughts and not given time to think about the normal life. For a person to live a healthy life the person has to spend some time to plan his life and think about the issues (to resolve the issue). But the aim of the perp is to take away those time and make the TI life a mess. Once the TI lose control over the life the TI can be controlled easily by perps.

The brain monitoring machine use to find whether the TI is in normal mental state, if so perps control the brain to be in preoccupied state. Perps use many ways to preoccupy the TI. One of the way the perps use is event synchronization.

1.4.3 Event Synchronization:
This is one of the process by which the perps achieve the TI brain preoccupation by means of creating signals (sound, light, movement and etc) to the movement of the TI (when TI switches the light ON, when TI exits his house, when TI gets new thought and etc). For example most of the time when TI exists his house he would hear car door closing sound, which make TI to get bad mood and it preoccupies the TI brain. There are different ways the perps use to detect the physical movement of TI, but the most unbelievable event synchronization is the signals or disturbances generated when the TI gets a new thought. This kind of event synchronization requires the scanning and tracking of TI brain 24/7.

The decision making is the important part of the life. Your life will be based on the some of the important decisions you have made in your life. The time required to make a good decision depends on the severity of the issue. If sufficient time is not given for the decision making then we may end up in making wrong decisions. In TI life perps influence the important stages of life such that the decision is made in an manner advantageous for the perp (advantageous such that the TI can be easily controlled). As a part of the perps influence in TI life decision making, the TI is not given enough time to think about the issue and the best decision making. At the critical time the TI is mind controlled to influence the decision making. Also at the critical time the opportunities of the TI is restricted so that the perp can influence the opportunities and the life as part of decision making.

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  • Thanks for this. I've been a MC victim for almost ten years and this article proved what I thought was going on with intrusive thoughts/images bombarding my brain at times. Same goes with forced audio being sent to the Audio/Visual Cortex of my brain. There is no emotional cord attached to these artificial thoughts.
  • Thanks a lot for this information, I haven't finish to read it totally but it's very enlighting, and informative, I get constant sexual attacks, during the day and nights, it's all induce and forced with images and holograms trying to force my mind to program me into pedophilia, since I call them sexual deviants, rapists, sodomizers, they have started an agressive sexual program to trying to make me sexual atract to children, to animals, to seniors, and constantly asaulting me, with. The nite program, but even though this abuse don't seem to stop, I keep my head up because no matter what they do to me, they can't change the person I am... Nobody ( the criminals!) cant tell you who you are, You know who you are...I am a good person, I believe there's more beyond this world, and I know all of this atrocities are going to be exposed and violence will be the only way to stop it in order to restore Human Rights, civil rights and the Constitution. One more time a world war will have to strike to bring Freedom to our Nation, the American Revolution.
  • Some more infos:
    Some people - some of us - Can naturally sense foreign thoughts and feelings. Empathy is a prosess when we can go into an emotional state what is expressed or have seen on others. The psychology science sad thet you cannot feel the emotion of the others! This is a lie. You can with some differencies (you know that the feeling is not yours, you are consious about if you have not or have got the same problem).
    Mind reading is natural.
    Carl G. Jung wrote some interesting notes about this subject in Memories, Dreams, Thoughts.
    Some early kopt christian monk Antonius father withdrawn in the desert could sense the thought of those who where coming to see him from long distences.
    Ken Wilbur wrote that we are toghether deep inside of us (think of Jung's concept of collective unconsious) like on our hands: we are the fingers but we are connected together just forgotten about the connection and in our mind is only the top of the finger.

    I have spacial abilities (wich are not very special as you think) wich can be called as special sensitivity, or hypervigilance, or extreme emphaty, or even mind reader skills. I am telling you: everyone is a mindreader. There is no thought wich does belong to you.
    These devil guys are devil, but by using these thechnologies they are lifting us up on a higher or deeper understandig of ourselfs. And they cannot make the mind reading process one way process. When they read someone's mind that target person can recieve information from the reader's mind. This is something what they really did not expected. Now they have to use "firewalls" persons who are hypnotised and do not know about they're real goals. As a target survives a few attepmpts, wich is about to get him/her insane or suicide, he/she gets stronger and gets informations and knowledge about them.
    I have gathered some of these infos. When they realize that the target is too "smart" they have to use firewalls all he time. So these guys (firewalls) become targets too. And so on. And our community is growing. And a lot of us dies.
  • This is a good article. Good job Vijayk_dsp.
  • Mara, they attacked me with sexual attacks like yours too. It will not change you. I am suprised they are still trying this. They tried with children and homosexuality with me, and it did not work. After almost 9 years of torture I cannot say that I need or want much of any human contact at all.
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