A few weeks ago I noticed my google searches that I do frequently are purple to indicate that I previously searched that topic. Also I noticed other highlighted searches that weren't mine but, were topics my sister mentioned. Why I didn't take it more seriously before is beyond me I should have. I have a good idea now what they're planning to do next weekend. I think they're going to confront me on 1. using this website 2. all my mind control searches. I think they might try to have me committed to a mental institute. I came to this conclusion after my sister calls me yesterday and tells me what breed she thinks her puppy is which is the search I seen earlier in the day. So pretty much she let me know that she's been snooping in my searches. I think they're going to stage an "intervention" for my "schizophrenic behavior". If anyone has any suggestions on how I can deal with this without ending up locked up I'd greatly appreciate it. I could be wrong but, I do know I'm right about one thing, what ever they're planning will not be good for me. That I know because it never is.
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