when i first signed up to peacepink i left a total of two messages.one was what was happening in detail and who it was doing it and how i know who it is.its microwave and electronic harrasment.i got two messages back turning what i said to a 90 degree turn around.one was that the person doing this was not an indavidual.the other was that i more or less didnt know what i was talking about when it came to what was happening to me.at that point i had been microwaved and electronicly harrased by satalite for 8 years and i had done research in detail.my research brought indaviduals information to me that is fact and by peaple of stature like james quest.he has worked with over 300 peaple that are victoms of microwave and electronic harrasment and is a former representative of missoiri.i also spoke with helen mcgonigle a long time lawyer of many things that have to do with microwave and electronic harrasment.in my long research ive come to learn that more peaple this is being done to,are actually having an indavidual do this to them.look up the case in kansas city.a judge actually took the case and the indavidual won.my point here is that the goverment is doing research on this your right.but it is actually public knowlegde.look up thomas micheal dzmura,he is a researcher at the university of california in irvine california.hes the head researcher and president.my point is this,a person told me from peace pink that she had been a target for one year and new a lot about what she was talking about.she really didnt.ill make my point.the goverment has done some activity illegaly thats for sure.but sending the petitions to the white house and that is not geting a lot done fast.persons that are being targeted need to go to there local courts and local goverment.by doing that and leting them know who is doing this to them i have seen more results.then as that person gets cought he will blab to the law about peaple he knows that are also doing this to peaple thinking he will get off or get a light sentence.one arrested and he gives the name of say 3 other peaple that are doing this then it turns to 8 more and then 16 and so on.there are peaple out there that doesnt know who is doing this to them.but lets get a start and let the goverment see state by state how we can start the ball rolling one and then more at a time.it may be slow starting but in the long run each state will start enacting laws in there own states.each state doesnt need the goverment to enact laws.its local laws.well im sure you dont like some of what ive said but think about it.going local and hiting hard is what needs to be done.oh also there are security enforcment places that can come to your address and pick up the signals and also follow the signal to see where its coming from if you know whos doing it.i cant afford what it costs though.i have went to my local fedaral goverment and filed my case in des moines iowa and admitted some simular cases including the case that was won in kansas city.im looking in the long run of things and want results.to the person that runs this site,i hope you luck with the white house .you told me that i more or less didnt know anything.no disrespect but im geting some things done doing this locally.the same peaple ive read there storys a year ago on here and i see there no further than they were a year ago.dont take me wrong,if i get out of mine im going to help others all i can.i just felt like i should let you know that when you told me i didnt know what i was talking about and i had been a victom for 8 years and you said you had been a victom for a year,i wondered what was up.good luck with the white house,i didelectronicly sign that petition though.im always willing to help,thanks.
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