I welcome any opinion

How many christian TI's believe that the reason things are happening to them is because their faith aren't strong enough? My whole family is being targeted to be killed, myself, 3 children , and husband. The evil beings make me their main target. They torture me and taunt me the most. What worst is they use everything I do for my family as an extension to hurt them further. My husband refuses to accept that things are happening as i've told him. He said the reason things may be happening to me is because my faith isn't strong enough. Does anyone else think this ungodly crime is taking place to christian who are weak in faith?

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  • In my earlier attacks. I was wearing only shorts in my flat 1hot summers day. I sat down. Then about 10mins later. I felt underneath me wot I can only describe as like somebody waving like a 'blow torch' across the underneath of my body back & forth for 10secs. Then 'BOOOOF!!!' I felt the energy drain from me. Jus like if u stuck ya fingers in a live plug socket. I shit myself!. I now look back at that experience & kno now that if they had to do that to me in that certain kind of way? They weren't trackn me by no satellite!. They jus held sumat at the ceiling that picked up my body heat above them. Then they zapped me!. I've never experienced that feeling before. & I never again don't want to. This and other stuff I can deal wiv. But that day was the scariest! ;( ... I also kno the sound of this. They had to use the neighbours electric point for me to feel the force and for the magnetic field to change around me. Just b4 the perps do this. Your hear the sound quickly as if someone is kick startn a motor bike up! I will never forget that day. That was the worst!!!. I don't no if us TI's or body fields are slightly different or just out of sync to the rest of the population?Becos why target a family & not a next door neighbour aswell? Is it do wiv our blood/dna etc? Sayn that... I am the only one in my family who is a T'I . All my family believe me. & I get on great wiv them & wiv them knowing this. Which helps a lot!. When I go to visit them. I go through the door and hear the perps in their cars outside racing like crazed fools. Now when I close the door. They do the same again & so on. I can even piss um off just by stands inside the door and open & close it in 5sec intervals. So from this I kno the air pressure is a big part in their tech towards us. This is one secret I kno for a fact. Becos they slipped up wiv me one day. The other secret I found is wiv the copper. I'm slowly but slowly puting info 2gever. The answer will come one day. I used to think the perps tech was amazing! But today I think differently and less of their tech. Please don't be fooled by wot is spread around the internet. But doo know your own body. Follow your own heart. Always go wiv your gut feeling. I'm not afraid nomor. I don't jump if a door bangs. I don't care about any1 around me wen I go out. I never use2 b4. So why shud I now & look over each shoulder? My perps kno I'm escaping their so called mind games. Becos I'm changing the way I think on my outlook in life. That's very hard to do. But wiv patience. We can all do this. Its the same as false advertising or when stores put a certain brand of product at the entrance so its the 1st thing we notice. I've never really took notice of this method but many people doo!. Its amazing how people perceive the World differently to the next. ;)
  • 100% right Sue....you've put it exactly as it is, when you feel weak at times, I have found that eating some chocolate helps then as well, preferably dark chocolate, but any chocolate otherwise, it releases endorphins I think, which seem to help with the brainwaves a bit, gives you some energy and lifts your thinking, out of the depression we sometimes feel.

    This was all foretold in the bible years ago, God is FAR above them, and can outwit every single one of them in an instant, we need to all pray that they are exposed, and it will happen. Anyway, apart from that, according to God's promise, they will be heavily punished, and they will be the one's living in hell and we will be in Heaven on Earth. Something to look forward to.....

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