My letter to ICC as John Finch has proposed to do in following message
i also added the list of names below and the case summuries ,
Greets Monika
ps thanks to Dannie for checking out my text on spelling and English
in case you do not know what writing , use this letter and the same reference and ask to contact the mailteam of which the cantacts are below ...just in case you want to make it easy for yourself , anly thing you need to add is who you are and that you support this demand .
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Monika Stoces
Date: 2009/4/30
Subject: surprising overlaps in patterns and symptoms between the TI’s rapports of mind weapon abuse, and chronic fatigue Fibromyalgia, Morgellons desease a U.S. a sudden increase of suicides in middle aged people
M.P. Dillon Head of the Information & Evidence Unit, Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands
Reference: OTP-CR-70/07
We would like to draw your attention to a a very serious but not yet well known situation of silent crimes against humanity. There is massive ignorance and secrecy regarding this,
The phenomenon of people who report some type of remote attack or manipulation by what they call directed energy or neurological weapons, mind manipulating technology or electronic harassment emerged during the cold war and visibly increased in late 1990’s. But in the year 2000, an unexplainable and dramatic increase in incidence of these complaints occurred.
These reports are coming from every continent all around the globe and the similarities of testimonies and exponential increase point to a GLOBAL problem.
This group of individuals, who report this problem, call themselves “Targeted Individuals” shortened to TI’s, or "mind control victims". There are surprising overlaps in patterns and symptoms between the TI’s and chronic fatigue Fibromyalgia, a U.S. public health mystery of a sudden increase of suicides in middle aged people that started at the beginning of this decade.
Another unexplained global phenomena like the debilitating and bizarre condition first mentioned in medical reports as PGAS, the not yet understood disease named Morgellons that also first became public around the same period which seems to have the very same kind of global increase, and also it was previously dismissed as a delusion because it was not understood until finally in 2008 an investigation was launched because of the growing list of patients worldwide with symptoms and lab results showing it was much more than just a delusion.
The complaints about mind manipulating weapons are in the same way treated as mental illness, and are therefore not monitored officially and remain “invisible” in any kind of statistical results. The sensational symptoms like telepathic experiences and embarrassing sexual electronic sensations, draw the attention away from the much longer list of health problems like autoimmunity disturbances, permanent fatigue, muscle pain that remind of Fibromyalgia, a significant high number of thyroid gland disorders, headaches and neurological symptoms and measurable reactions of post traumatic stress disorder. Hardly any outsider is aware of the simultaneously occurring problems with electronic devices and communication like computers or even car electronics.
The consequences of their ignorance is that observers have no idea of the scale of this and don’t recognize the reports as part of the same issue and keep classifying them as individual cases, imaginations or superstitions, paranoid conspiracy theories or just mental illness.
At the same time already a statistical investigation by any official body would show this problem is much different from just one of coincidental internet delusions.
Reports of TI's mainly include the following 3 things.
A -Most TI's report the physical and mental symptoms they experience from the moment they consciously experience the technology affecting them.
B -Most TI's report interception of mail, interception and alteration of telecommunications, telephone and internet communications and malfunctions of all types of electronic and electrical devices .
C -Most TI's experience organized stalking, which they explain in different ways and that in most cases starts earlier than the typical symptoms and physical sensations referred to as electronic harassment.
These three things (nearly) always go together and the number of new people reporting this had a sudden increase in 2000, continuing to the present. This should at least raise the question of how the complaints cannot be related.
Meanwhile there have been many warnings by scientists in the fields of the emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and nanotechnology, about the possible dangers related to these technologies and mentioned by many as one of future risk and even possible human extinction scenarios.
Predictions of emerging technological super intelligence or self organizing nanotechnology mention the fact that it would not be necessarily bound to any physical body or would not even be recognized as such because of our limited human nature in comparison with it and not necessarily have goals consistent with the benefit of humanity.
A huge part of military research into these technologies as advanced technological weapons has been done secretly by several superpowers as a part of the weapons race and still remains classified.
The past has shown that historically important disruptive changes, referred to as low probability but high impact events are always a totally unexpected surprise to the world and pose severe consequences for humanity.
In foresight, research of these kinds of disruptive events are called Wild Cards, or Black Swan events and emerging technological surprises often are named as a possible cause.
Also the evolution of science has a similar nature of sudden surprising changes and was named by Thomas Kuhn as a “Paradigm Shift”.
Human nature seems to have a natural blindness to gradual changes. The increased knowledge of these mechanisms should prevent ignoring the signs of possible emerging risks (mistakes humanity made previously in history).
The serious threat emerging technologies are posing, the numerous warnings from AI experts on this matter, combined with the striking increase of people asking for recognition because they are targeted with technology interfacing with their mind and body and access to electronic systems of any kind should be a justified reason for an urgent and serious investigation into this internationally.
Many people from all around the world are asking, “Please help us, help us, please give this problem the attention it deserves and investigate this situation in order to provide possible answers to the large scale suffering of many who are suspecting that they are guinea pigs in non-consensual human experimentation and who are feeling like a hostage of the silently emerging information war against humanity.
Not recognized, not helped and dismissed as being mentally ill and put in a position to be subjected to unjustified, unrelenting and inhumane torture.
These groups of brave individuals who have gone public are just the tip of the iceberg and represent a much larger group of people that keep silent in fear of being tortured extensively and marginalized by friends and family and of jeopardizing their livelihood.
Many are waiting for the miracle that someone will appear who can expose the horror and injustices that are occurring globally. That some event will take place to ease their pain and suffering and allow them to return to the normal life that they had prior to becoming TI’s prior to becoming aware of the insanity and evilness that is allowed to destroy and disrupt innocent human being.
Our mission is to strive to terminate this silent epidemic, to generate the requisite attention deserving of the atrocities that are occurring globally infringing on the human rights, the health and the security of all of us.
We are asking the United Nations, the World Health Organization and political leader’s to investigate this problem and reveal the nature of it in a way that does not rely on any assumptions, prejudices, or values of any particular individuals who investigates.
Ocourse the nature of the problem without any doubt can be defined as crimes against humanity, war crimes., crimes against peace, and violations of the most fundamental human rights on large scale, even if its is not yet known or recognized as such. Therefor are asking your help in this matter to help us to get an investigation of the situation officially so that the global nature and alarming increase can become clearly visible and reveal how serious this matter really is .
In my own name and that of many others and the world wide movement against abuse of mind manipulating technology and nonconsentual human experimentation , and the Federation Against Mind Control of Europe I do demand your attention and help , for this highly underestimated and unknown problem.
Monika Stoces
Oudemansstraat 22
2000 Antwerpen
In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn argued that science does not progress via a linear accumulation of new knowledge, but undergoes periodic revolutions, also called "paradigm shifts" , in which the nature of scientific inquiry within a particular field is abruptly transformed. In general, science is broken up into three distinct stages. Prescience, which lacks a central paradigm, comes first. This is followed by "normal science", when scientists attempt to enlarge the central paradigm by "puzzle-solving". Thus, the failure of a result to conform to the paradigm is seen not as refuting the paradigm, but as the mistake of the researcher. As anomalous results build up, science reaches a crisis, at which point a new paradigm, which subsumes the old results along with the anomalous results into one framework, is accepted. This is termed revolutionary science.
Our International Mailteam
MC Mail Team Members (part of the world wide movement)
AUSTRALIA: John Finch 00 61 4 2400 9627
CHINA: Soleil Mavis
Main Blog:
BELGIUM: Monika Stoces 00 32 (0)3 288 83 20
Federation Against Mind Control Europe
Friends Network
USA_OHIO: Derrick Robinson 00 1 513337 9632
CANADA: Mostafa Hosny
Rule of Law Defenders www.hosnyinfo.comv
ect ect ...............
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Hi thanks for checking it out ! ,Indeed it is my english that makes me problems , and i am very happy each time some can make it sound more fluend english and also thanks for the compliment of it , i have days that i have inspiration, other days less , but good that this one is written it can be reused for other purposes as well, i will put it on my site ect ....thanks for putting it a bit straight i see some things bit differently formulated , thats fine that in english i get some help, Greets Monika
goscott said:
Hi Monika......I re-wrote the body of your letter for you, it should be much better now, see what you think? VERY POWERFUL LETTER!! ========================================================================================================
Please allow me to draw your attention to a a very serious but not yet well known situation of silent crimes against humanity. Presently, there seems to be massive and almost complete ignorance and secrecy regarding these crimes.
The phenomenon of people who report some type of remote attack or manipulation by what they call Directed Energy or Neurological Weapons, Mind Manipulating Technology or Electronic Harassment, emerged during the Cold War and greatly increased in late 1990’s. In the year 2000, an unexplainable and dramatic increase in the number of these complaints occurred.
These reports are coming from every continent all around the globe and the similarities of testimonies and exponential increase in these incidents point to a GLOBAL problem!
The group of individuals who report these problems call themselves, “Targeted Individuals” shortened to TI’s, or "Mind Control Victims.” There are surprising overlapping similarities in the patterns and symptoms between the TI’s, and chronic fatigue Fibromyalgia, and a mysterious rise in sudden unexplained suicides of middle aged people in the USA that started a decade ago.
Another unexplained global phenomena, similar to the debilitating and bizarre condition first mentioned in medical reports as PGAS, but not yet understood disease named Morgellons that also first became public around this same period seems to have the very same kind of global increase. It had previously been dismissed as a delusion because it was not understood until finally in 2008, an investigation was launched because of the growing list of patients worldwide with symptoms. Laboratory results have shown otherwise, and that Morgellons Disease is far from delusional.
The complaints about mind manipulating weapons are in the same way treated as mental illness, and are therefore not monitored officially and remain “invisible” in any kind of statistical results. The sensational symptoms like telepathic experiences and embarrassing sexual electronic sensations, draw the attention away from the much longer list of health problems such as auto-immune disturbances, permanent fatigue, muscle pain similar to that of Fibromyalgia, a significantly high number of thyroid gland disorders, headaches and neurological symptoms and measurable reactions of post traumatic stress disorder. Hardly any uninformed person is aware of the simultaneously occurring problems with electronic devices and communication like computers or even car electronics.
The consequences of their ignorance is that observers have no idea of the scale of this situation and do not recognize filed reports as part of the same issue, thus classifying them as individual cases of imaginations or superstitions, paranoid conspiracy theories or just mental illness.
At the same time a statistical investigation by any official body would show this problem is much more different from just one of coincidental internet delusions.
Reports of TI's mainly include the following 3 things.
A -Most TI's report the physical and mental symptoms they experience from the moment they consciously experience the technology affecting them.
B -Most TI's report interception of mail, interception and alteration of telecommunications, telephone and internet communications and malfunctions of all types of electronic and electrical devices .
C -Most TI's experience organized stalking, which they explain in different ways and that in most cases starts earlier than the typical symptoms and physical sensations referred to as electronic harassment. These three things,(nearly),always go together and the number of new people reporting them had a sudden increase in 2000, continuing to the present. This should at least raise the question of how the complaints cannot be related?
Meanwhile there have been many warnings by scientists in the fields of the emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology, about the possible dangers related to these technologies and mentioned by many of them as a dire future risk and even possible human extinction scenario.
Predictions of emerging technological super intelligence or self organizing nanotechnology mention the fact that it would not be necessarily to be bound to any physical body or would not even be recognized as such because of our limited human nature in comparison with it, and not necessarily have goals consistent for the benefit of humanity.
A huge part of military research into these technologies as advanced technological weapons has been done secretly by several superpowers as a part of the weapons race and still remains classified.
The past has shown that historically important disruptive changes, referred to as low probability but high impact events are always a totally unexpected surprise to the world and pose severe consequences for humanity.
In foresight, research into these kinds of disruptive events known as Wild Cards, or Black Swan events, predicate emerging technological surprises/advancments as the named possible cause.
Also the evolution of science has a similar nature of sudden surprising changes and was named by Thomas Kuhn as a “Paradigm Shift.”
Human nature seems to have a natural blindness to gradual changes, and the increased knowledge of these mechanisms should not prevent ignoring the signs of possible emerging risks,(mistakes humanity made previously in history.)
The serious threat emerging technologies are posing, the numerous warnings from AI experts on this subject, combined with the striking increase of people asking for recognition because they are targeted with technology interfacing with their mind and body and access to electronic systems of any kind should be a justified reason for an urgent and serious investigation into these matters internationally.
Many people from all around the world are asking, “Please help us, help us, please give this problem the attention it deserves and investigate this situation in order to provide possible answers to the large scale suffering of many who are suspecting that they are guinea pigs in non-consensual human experimentation and who are feeling like a hostage of the silently emerging information war against humanity.”
Not recognized, not helped and dismissed as being mentally ill and put in a position to be subjected to unjustified, unrelenting and inhumane torture is a violation of the most basic civil rights of any person.
These groups of brave individuals who have gone public are just the tip of the iceberg and represent a much larger group of people that keep silent in fear of being tortured more extensively, marginalized by friends and family, and in jeopardy of losing their livelihoods.
Many are waiting for the miracle that someone will appear who can expose the horror and injustices that are occurring globally. That some event will take place to eliminate their pain and suffering and allow them to return to the normal life that they had prior to becoming TI’s, before the advent of their awareness of the insanity and evilness of this situation, a situation that is allowed to destroy and disrupt innocent human beings.
Our mission is to terminate this silent epidemic, to generate the requisite attention deserving of the atrocities that are occurring globally infringing on the human rights, the health/well being and the security of all of us.
We are asking the United Nations, the World Health Organization and political leader’s to investigate this problem and reveal the nature of it in a way that does not rely on any assumptions, prejudices, or values of any particular individuals who investigates.
Of course the nature of the problem without any doubt can be defined as crimes against humanity, war crimes., crimes against peace, and violations of the most fundamental human rights on large scale, even if its is not yet known or recognized as such. Therefore we are asking your help in this matter to in order to begin an investigation of this situation officially so that the global nature and alarming increase in these crimes can become clearly visible, revealing how serious this matter really is.
In my own name and in the names of other TI’s, and the world wide movement against abuse of mind manipulating technology and nonconsentual human experimentation , and the Federation Against Mind Control of Europe,, I demand your attention and help for this highly underestimated and unknown problem!
goscott said: