Internatioal human rights community , UN and International criminal court ,please, work together with Canadian government to stop Toronto police,Canadian torturers on-going torture, terror,threats, administering poison, every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons in my home and in my workplace, under UN resolution and its latest daft resolution, " Responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts".
As to how they have been torturing ,terrorizing, threatening, murderring me, administering poison... UN human rights have kept all evidence I provided.
It is torture by EMF Weapons? It is murder by EMF Weapons? Toronto police, Canadian torturers are now living as my neighbors to torture me and murder me with EMF Weapons, especially, when I fall asleep. Toronto police, Canadian torturers can not realize my special EMF meter has alarm function?
How dangerous is EMF? Both WHO and Laboratories have confirmed it, and I have provided their conclusions to all international human rights community, including international courts.
How dangerous are Non-Lethal Weapons (EMF Weapons )? " Non-Lethal Weapons includes radiological,microwave, radiofrequence,acustic weapons . Law enforcement labels these weapons 'behavior modification devices ', 'crowd control devices '.UNDIR classifies them as ' weapons of mass destruction ' (WMD )."
My request is not only for me. From this message below I sent to Canadian government, you can see this.
"Thank you, Canadian Government, for " compensating and apologizing to Canadians who were tortured."
This forward step Canadian Government takes is crucial to all victims of torture in Canada, even in the whole world.
What about my case ? Please refer to two letters from Mr Attorney General of Canada and Ontario Ombudsman"
Canadian victim of torture
Robin Yan