Implant/nano after operation/injection...

Due to an operation/s injection. I have been harassed constantly the the last few years, including voice and ambient sound communication. (The use of ambient sounds to carry the communication). I have been neurologically damaged. I have had 24/7 communication with the people using the technology and have been tortured harassed, attempted conditioning and have been neurologically impaired... I have been given obvious dreams ie movies dreams, with vivid modern sound (like watching a dvd) and had my memory and biological functions interfered with constantly like a doll, ongoing every day.  My memories and actions/thoughts are constantly read, my memories like a slideshow accessed and used to constantly interact with me. Had mood-states and physical/ all aspects of biology manipulated interfered with. I have constant ongoing conversations with the people using the technology, arguments discussions all sorts of conversations. Its not just one person but several. During the whole time discussing the situation and matter of fact reasonings/ attempted conditioning.  Almost every biological function has been manipulated or interfered with. My voice was modified and I had speech problems I could barely talk for a while. My accent changed. I was made very weak for a long time as well as neurologically impaired and during this time struggled for the most part through the whole situation. I refused a treatment order with a lawyer. And am now in the limbo of trying to get medical attention as well as dealing with the whole medical implant nanotechnology issue. I had muscle damage and skin texture changes and physical denaturing, a lot more aggressive than just an implant.. . Its definitely injection/ implant/nanotechnology not an external source. I talk to these people every day constantly (implant) . Ive been subjected to ongoing personality modification,have had broad discussions and arguments (myself wanting to be repaired) as they have the ability to manipulate repair/damage brain function.

The people doing it to me are not "agents" per say or an AI but medicals in 30's one very early 30's possibly even younger, Neurology/psychology. Its also political/genetics motivated. Righty/Lefty. Putting people below the medical. By damaging the neurology and certain functions to make it easier to prevent you doing anything/litigating and to attempt to control you. They spent a lot of time trying to control me by damaging neurological functions.

As I said I spend most of the day arguing and discussing all sorts of things and trying to get my neurology repaired, so am at an unusual cross roads with the people I am communicating with.

This technology is crazy it makes dolls of people.

I am not a schizophrenic.


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