UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
Amnesty International Canada
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
This video on YouTube is "After UN contacted me..." https://youtu.be/bxEgdK0HbHs
It contains:
1) One of email letters from Attorney General of Canada regarding Toronto Police
2) My report to UN Human Rights
3) Ontario Ombudsmen's letter regarding Canadian torturers and Ontario Government is not in this video
4) their torture, terror, bruty "after UN contacted me "
Toronto Police,Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government are madly hacking this video. From VPN, I realized this. They even invade my cellphone to hack this video which I saved in my cellphone.
Meanwhile, Toronto Police, Canadian torturers
, who are living as my neighbors; who are gathering around my workplace, are madly torturing me, threatening me, terrorizing me, attemptedly murdering me by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, which are classified as weapons of mass destruction by UN; which are classified as weapons for incapacitating targets by UN.
UN advised me to file complaints against them 5 years ago. UN Human Rights has everything regarding what they are doing , what Non-Lethal Weapons they are using and what I have been through now.
UN, International Criminal Court, International Human Rights Community, including two Prime Ministers of Canada can not stop their ongoing
torture, harassment, terror, attempted murder.
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture