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Nothing can justify torture! Stop Torture!
Recently, just recently, Amnesty International Canada : " Ontario, there must be accountability for police actions."
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UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
Human Rights Watch
Amnesty International
Amnesty International Canada
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
UN Human Rights and OMCT :
Nothing can justify torture! Stop Torture!
Robin Yan, Canadian victim of torture:
Nothing can justify on-going torture, harassment, threats, terror, poisoning, attempted murder committed by Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital ,Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government...
They are living as my neighbors and gathering around and in my workplace to madly attack my head , my heart and my hearing with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, and by every possible means. I can't sleep and work normally every day.
With all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, and by every possible means? What are they doing to you? And how serious is your situation?
UN Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims have everything I provided. And, UN advised me to file complaints against them twice.
They are poisoning me this way after UN contacted me :
1) McDonald's Philipino cashier , who poured coffee for me.
2) By floor vibration lights, I found they wore invisibility cloak to poison me and forcibly inject me . Up till now, they refused to disclose what they injected into my body. All Canadian media reported this a few years ago.
Nothing can justify hacking UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and everything I am using after they all stand up and speak out for me, not only for me, including Attorney General of Canada , Ontario Ombudsman, Mr. Marco Rubio...
Mr. Marco Rubio many times questions Facebook, Google, Twitter about foreign influence on social media before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Please see these two videos below:
"Google A No-Show At Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing In Washington"
From some reliable sources, I was astonished by the reason why they are torturing , terrorizing and attemptedly murdering me. The reason, in fact, the disinformation they are sharing with all, is out of thin air.
Did you try to find a lawyer? I did. But, Canadian lawyer said to me 10 years ago :" You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors."
In addition, they don't torture, terrorize and attemptedly murder those gangs, terrorists, Canada the way they are torturing, terrorizing, attemptedly murdering me.
Recently, just recently, Amnesty International Canada : " Ontario, there must be accountability for police actions."
Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help.
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture