Interview with a gang stalker | Expose--

What follows on the link below is an expose on the dark side of psych-ops, presented in a 4-part video from The National Report. In this tell-all, no holes barred journalist, Janes M Agni, was given "full access," to the secrets of the perps. You'll learn why they do what they do - how they do what they do - and, more importantly-- who they do it for. [MORE:]

Jane M. Agni is a professional journalist residing in the rain-soaked city of Portland, Oregon. She has written for such fine websites as Modern Woman Digest and Civic Tribune. Her book entitled "The States Of Shame: Living As A Liberated Womyn In America" appeared on Oprah's Book Club and quickly went bestseller shortly thereafter. She's currently at work on the follow up tentatively named "Sisters Of Shame: The Why In Womyn" . Jane M. Agni now writes full-time for National Report, giving her unique perspective on the latest world events. 

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  • Slander has been the main damage to my life. I believe it was the reason I was obstructed from continuing with a post graduate course - I was rejected BEFORE I took my final exams. Up till then I had had high grades. And I believe it was the reason I often could not get jobs or was prevented from getting promotion. Remember 30 years ago work was not hard to get. That perhaps does not mater now as I am effectively retired.
    No - what I meant by Identity Theft is if they successfully steal my identity, they can make out I have stolen my own identity. In this way they could strip me of my assets and make out I am a criminal in the same move. It's a long story. My husband and I were priced out of London. We moved to the North of England near his relatives. One of these relatives had been acting out of character for the last few years. He had previously had cancer - then his cancer came back. The doctors said it was terminal. The relative claimed she had lost her job and was destitute. My husband changed his Will to give her half. She continued to plead poverty and borrowed thousands from him. His treatment from the medical people was five star - until he got a lung infection and it all went into reverse. He kept getting lung infections. Then I realised the district nurses were diving in the door without knocking and arriving in pairs. I recognised this as the procedure where elder abuse is suspected. I suspected the relative of lying to the medical staff. Then a speech therapist told us that when he was swallowing liquids it was going straight into his lungs. This was 2 months after his first infection and was probably the reason he kept getting them(he had 7 infections in all). On one occasion the doctor told him no air was going into one lung. My husband said a look of alarm passed her face - but she did not recommend any treatment. A couple of weeks later he had a fit. Again the medical staff did not recommend any treatment. Now I was getting suspicious and looked up his symptoms. My medical CD told me no air in one lung indicates heart failure in one side of the heart. The treatment is diuretics to reduce water logging and drugs which strengthen the heart. His fit was a mini stroke. At the same time his feet swelled up. That indicates heart failure in the other side of the heart. There is treatment for these conditions - but nothing was offered. In addition he was terribly distressed because he couldn't get enough oxygen. I wondered why they did not offer him oxygen. Sometimes as a result he became very abusive and irrational as a result. Afterwards I wondered if they had done that deliberately to instigate an "incident". I believe they were trying to set me up for elder abuse - but arrange it so I would be put in a mental hospital, then they could seize my assets. (my husband died about a year ago). Since moving here I have worried about identity theft because his first wife lives in the area and coincidentally has the same name. When he was taken into the nursing home his relative arranged for his first wife to be there when the medical staff were finalising the arrangements. When I told my niece about this she went ballistic. My niece is a solicitor. She said - is this misrepresentation going to continue to the reading of the Will. That is the reason I suspect they might try identity theft. Oh, and when I was away from the flat after my husband went into the nursing home all his documents went missing. Sorry. It's a long and complicated story. I have made it as short as possible.
  • That’s good Clair if they did not mess up with your record, because the main perps behind the technology are all corroborating with the authorities under them.  It’s all part of their games including defamation of the targets under the technology.  But for peace of mind, you could check it every year.   It is really impossible to have a record if you were not charged and convicted of any offence under the due process of law anywhere.  They cannot give you an instant or automatic record without being charged and convicted by court under due process of law, as it is unconstitutional.  But because they play games, we have to be cautious.  I also got mine check last year and no problem as I do not have any record.  I am fully aware that they are trying to make the targets appear like criminals and convicts in the public image even though they are innocent civilians in order to disparage their character and reputation to affect their employment, career, education and training, social relationship, etc. to sabotage their lives.

    In the case of slander (defamation), it is irrelevant if the perpetrators or slanderers deny the act or the facts.  Defendants or accused never admitted their prejudices in any matter or offences, whether in criminal or civil. What is relevant is you have to show that the facts occurred or happen, or that damaging or disparaging information about you on any ground or any areas of your life were told or spread or circulated around by the accused slanderers, even without him/her or them admitting it.  The standard of proof in civil offences or matter is “on the balance of probabilities” – 60%/40%.  So you do not have to prove 99.9% that the slanderers committed the act of defamation “beyond a reasonable doubt” (standard of proof in criminal offences).

    In regards to the issue of identity theft, do you mean they have used or stolen your personal information and linked your personal information to a crime to appear that you have committed a crime, is that right?  How did you know that you are being fitted to a crime and that they have used your identity or personal information?  Have they tried to investigate or charge you with this?  Identity theft is a criminal offence.   Again, defamation is also involved in this for linking you to a crime which you are innocent of and spreading or circulating it around.  If I were you, I would again get a record check to be sure they did not mess up or made hanky panky with your record this time for peace of mind.

  • Clair, you may be referring to defamation under Tort law (Civil Law), which is a civil offence and not a criminal offence, so the law enforcement authorities have no jurisdiction over and therefore cannot deal with that.  There are two kinds of defamation under the civil law, libel (in writing) and slander (verbal).  Regardless the defamation made or imputed on you is on the ground of criminal acts or history/record (such as sexual pervert/paedophile, serial killer/murderer, terrorist, illegal recruiter, thief, money launderer, human trafficking, pornography trafficking, piracy, treason, tax evasion, traffic offences, etc.), and moral ground (such as adulteress, porno queen, pros/hooker, gay, transsexual, black widow, sugar mommy, witch, sorcerer, idolater, etc.) and whether it is by way of slander or libel, it is a civil wrong against the individual, which constitutes tort under the civil law and actionable in court of civil division.  Under the law, defamation (libel or slander) made or imputed on you has the purpose or effect of disparaging your character and reputation, which is injury to reputation. The whole agenda of defamation is to cause you injury to character and reputation, which is already a damage by itself that’s why you are taking civil legal action, regardless you prove the other damages or not such as it has trashed your career options and prospects, it has caused you mental distress, stress and anxiety, pain and suffering, loss of career opportunity, loss of enjoyment, etc.  In defamation case, you do not have to prove the damage as a consequence; just the injury to reputation caused by the defamation or disparaging information is enough. It is irrelevant under the law whoever told the doers of the action of the disparaging information, what is relevant is the disparaging information or acts of defamation subjected to the victim or target by the relevant doers of the action. It does not matter where or what source they got it from, but who performed the defamation act in the circumstances by way of writing or verbal.  In regards to record, Clair, the best way is to find out first if they had made hanky panky in your record because of you are a TI.  You could check for your own criminal record with the law enforcement authorities (Police or FBI check) if you have criminal history or offence recorded by applying for your own criminal record check and clearance and pay a required minimal record check fee.  You can download their application form from their site and fill it in and attach the required identification documents and payment and consent form, and submit it to the nearest police station or by post in their address.  I do not recommend application on line.  You do not need a lawyer or organisation to do it for you.  You could apply for a check of your own record.  If there are deficiencies or omissions in your record, and appeared you have which you do not know about, approach a criminal lawyer right away.  The criminal lawyer will handle that and them as that is their job and would investigate and dispute that with them.  If the law enforcement’s excuse was because of error or omission in checking, you could be entitled for ex-gratia payment for their omissions.

    I could not help but smile with your humorous wishful thinking about the gangstalker.  It happens sometimes or could be most of the times that judicial authority struck out or omit evidences obtained by plaintiff who are not legally represented in court or tribunal, but maybe it depends on what country.

    Gangstalkers are usually random of strangers in public or anywhere, but could be also be your neighbors, friends, etc.  If they are random of strangers in public, it would be hard to complain except if they are in your neighbourhood.

  • Thank you for the legal update. My main complaint would be criminal defamation of character - which I deduce has been along the lines of insinuating I am some kind of criminal (no criminal record) and/or sexual pervert. When I looked into this I discovered that there is no crime of criminal defamation of character - which is odd, because obviously you completely trash a persons career options if you tell everyone they are a criminal when they are not. Slander apparently is a tort and I would have to take out civil proceedings against whoever is responsible for spreading the slander. As the gang stalking recruits are not going to tell you the lies they have been told, having apparently been gagged nor who told them the lies - and if the security services are the source then how the hell could anyone get hold of the information they need to make a legal case?
    Kidnap a gang stalker and pull their finger nails out? I expect there is some law that evidence obtained by torture by the plaintiff would not be admissible. Still it's a nice thought. But back to serious. If anyone could suggest how to crack this particular Kafkaesque riddle I would be very receptive.
  • Clair, I understand that gangstalking or stalking is not an offence in your country that’s why they did not advise you of any legal avenues available.  Here, gangstalking or stalking falls under criminal offence under the criminal law.  The law enforcement authorities have jurisdiction over this offence here.  Regardless you have evidence or not, your complaint for being stalked or gangstalked would be investigated as part of the due process of law and will not regard you as insane, and if they did not find sufficient evidence to incriminate the accused, the law enforcement authorities will not charge him or them to prosecute in the court of criminal division. It is the law enforcement authorities that charge and prosecute the accused in criminal court for criminal offence, and not the complainant under the criminal law.  Criminal law/offence is different and separate from civil law/offence, and handled and process differently.  Law enforcement authorities do not have jurisdiction or authority over civil law/offences.  There are caselaw here of stalking heard and decisioned by the court with evidences of course.  In the case of DEW attacks, as there is no law that covers that under the criminal law here and no actual evidence to substantiate that kind of technology and offence, the law enforcement authorities could regard you as nuts, and might refer you to psychiatrist or mental hospital if you complained about it to them.  On the other hand, the targets or victims have the right to directly file civil complaints or take civil actions for civil wrongs (Tort Law) (Civil Law) on stalking for the harm or detriments it caused, and for torture, harm, abuse, and other damages or detriments as a consequence of the DEW attacks on you.  The evidence that you have to prove here in stalking is that you were stalked by the defendant and there is causal connection or nexus with the harm or detriments you incurred and the action/conduct subjected to you.  In the case of DEW, you have to prove that you incurred or suffered  torture, harm, and abuse and other damages or detriments and there is causal connection or nexus with DEW attacks, and that the technology really exists and caused by the defendant.  John Finch has not yet received the latest reply from ICC re his revised complaints till now.  I wonder if they have reconsidered his revised complaints.

  • Carrrin - that's an interesting point about the sex angle. That would tie in with money making rackets. A K Forwood in one of his articles suggested the cameras they place in our homes are to provide pornographic Big Brother type footage for an internet market. (I wondered why the light in my shower room was spotlight bright). That would suggest they actively work to bring about sexual footage. If you are not with a man they'll push beautiful women in your direction . Maybe?
  • Sue - more than a year before I discovered "gang stalking" I made enquiries to Liberty about unwarranted surveillance. They replied with a very detailed account of what legal avenues were available. When I found out the protocol was gang stalking I contacted them again - identical situation - and they suggested I seek medical (psychiatric) help . This looks like a pre-determined set formula whenever the concept of gang stalking is made. I wonder what they would have said if an ex-Scientologists went to them about Fair Game? This I think, indicates deliberate suppression.
    Great news Cedric.
  • Thank you Sue and yes, whatever testimony you have AND (important) want the Swiss and French press and politician to read, do send it in order to raise even more awareness.

    By the way, i got great news: the activism has reached the American Press, and not just any (i will come with more details) and the pirate party international as well the swiss pirate party. Very positive feedbacks.

    And i am all smiley writing these lines. :)

  • Yes, stalker or gangstalkers are recruited, solicited, and networked by the main perps or mastermind with the main purpose to harass and torture the targets.   Yes, they tried to stop me in 2012 because my complaint was running, but it did not stop me.  In 2013, gangstalking had stopped.  Since this year, I do not get gangstalked, but sometimes a single person or you might call stalker wanting to befriend me while I am walking in the shopping centres.  Yes, we are a distraction to them that's why we are targeted.  But others are chosen randomly as human experiment  of the mind control human experiment technology.  YOu said you are retaliating because they are attacking you.  How do you retaliate with your perps?

  • The secret I meant was gang stalking itself. So you were harassed to make you back down and when you did it stopped? That is a different situation to the UK. There are no laws against it because it is not acknowledged to exist. I was targeted for NO reason. My theory is that targets are bait for recruiting the gang stalkers. It is a con artist money making cult. I only found out it was gang stalking last year, and it started more than 30 years ago. In that time my first boyfriend was swindled out of 40k, two previous landlords lost their houses, others lost their businesses and I have been swindled out of 30k. They corrupt everything and everyone they touch. It is not about the victims - the targets - we are just a distraction. It is an enormous power and money grab. And they can't be attacking me to make me give up. I am retaliating because they are attacking me.
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