Last night as soon as i got into bed the bast...s started on me first it was like a metal band got put on around my head and was getting made tighter and tighter it felt like it was changing the shape of my head all the time it felt like the pulse in my head was going boom boom boom my head felt like one half of my brain was falling and the other half was going up, the pulse in my hart? was going boom boom boom and making my whole body pulse, but this was a different pulse to the one in my head and with the two going at different times it was making a murmor in my ches that would almost stop me breathing, my ribs felt like they were folding over each other and are swollen this morning and there is yet again another big blood blister in my mouth, i can see like black tots in my eyes and like little squiggle silver white threads, this went on to after 2am i dont now if i blacked out or fell asleep, I think all this came about becuase of my freedom of information letter but that is what they are leading me to beleave and have said expect the same tonight.
hi suzy no don't every think its because of you my dear friend, these pricks do this for no reason other than that they can, may be it makes them feel big and strong in there sick little mindless minds. hope to talk soon XOX Holly
suzy said:
Oh Holly, what bastards. I wish I could hit them for you. Hey I hope they are not coming down on you heavy because of our talks. Let me know if it keeps happening, i hope its not cos of me
suzy said: