this is a typical response when you confront a handler and he is scared...his TI acts very irrational...just thought i would post this as an example of what the family of a targeted individual might experience if they make a handler fearful of being discovered,
Recently a friend of mine asked me if I could find and download some you tubes by Laura Eisenhower who is great grand daughter to the late President Eisenhower. I was surprised that she changed her middle name to Magdalene and on several of her video posts she refers to herself as the Sofia of Christ and as Sofia/Christo. I wrote to her asking why she out such disinformation. I was unsure if she would even respond as she has not answered those she made contact with at the UFO conferences she attends so I was surprised by her response. To say the least it is a gross over action to the simple one line question I asked her regarding the disinformation she and caroline kennedy are putting out claiming to be the’ Sofia of Christ’.. Obviously she has been and still is the targeted individual of scalar handlers who felt threatened by contact from the Nephilim Court. The only thing that I truly find disturbing is this comment she made regarding disinformation: for the disinformation. its not my fault this is what i was told – if she knows she has put out disinformation how can she claim to care about the humans on earth yet do nothing to post the truth. The following is a chronological accounting of the conversations: Here was my one sentence letter to her and the responses it elicited. Like you I believe it is a gross over reaction… The title of my message to her was this- you and Caroline Kennedy are putting out disinformation My message: By changing your name to the Magdalene and claiming to be the Sofia of Christ you are putting out disinformation. Nephilim court Supreme Commander Lord Kasim aka Buddah, allah, IAM Supreme Commander Lord Anu aka Anubis Supreme Commander Lord EN aka Enlil, Yahweh, Jehovah Supreme Commander Lord EA aka Enki, Lucifer, Samael,Jesus Christ EA’s Sofia aka Magdalene, Lilith EA’s sofia denotes I am his wife like saying Mrs. EA and the ‘sofia of christ’ is just a play on words because he was here as christ I know Louis mayo who was your grandfathers body guard and you can verify who I am by contacting bohner to show you my NSA file classified above majic eyes. Her response to this 1 short 1 sentence message- I will share your lovely letter to me far and wide, glad to know your name. consider it helpful for people to witness your oh so holy nature and how you deliver death threats if anyone else connects deeply to Sophia... the true Sophia encourages others to awaken to her fully, as we are all Sophia.... THE MORE I READ THIS, THE MORE I REALIZE THAT I HAVE TO REPORT YOU! I REFUSE TO BE FUCKED WITH OR INTIMIDATED BY A DARK SPIRIT, WHO IS ARROGANT, VIOLENT AND PROBABLY ONLY IN THE NSA COMPUTER BECAUSE THEY MESSED WITH YOU. ANYONE WHO THINKS IT IN THE WAY YOU DO IN SUCH A CRUEL WAY, MUST BE MANUFACTURED TO MESS WITH GAIA AND ALL THE DIVINE FEMININE WOMEN OUT THERE WHO YOU COMPETE WITH. I AM SUPPORTED BECAUSE I DON'T PUT MYSELF ABOVE ANYONE, I AM JUST DEVOTED TO SOPHIA - CHRIST AND LET MY BODY BE A VESSEL FOR THEIR ENERGIES. wow - lolololololol - this is hilarious. You sound like the most vile, evil, awful woman with anything but gnosis. I have many people write me who say they are Sophia and I embrace them and am relieved that so many women are awakening this vital force within. If you heard my messages, I was told i am this by numerous sources and those who recruited me to Mars, who wanted to maybe even protect me. I did not fall for it and wanted to stay with GAia. I have sound technologists that have taken voice prints and they see this reality too and told me what it means. THey have never seen a higher frequency in connection to Source. You must be behind this genocide. you sound like a nasty murderer who is obsessed with identity and personal power and I choose to empower others into their divinity. why don't you go after the shadow government who identified me through quantum access, looking glass technologies and akashic records, for the disinformation. its not my fault this is what i was told. I hope i die anyway - sharing a planet with such evil is no longer working for me... I will share this letter far and wide and my response, so people can know the difference. my great-grandfather tried to stop the NAzis... I went to a psychic institute for 2 years and many cried when they saw who i am... I just say I am a strong archetype. I am so sickened by your words that i have to laugh. no- i am not like Caroline Kennedy or you... I have heart, wisdom, unity consciousness and empower the Christ-Sophia within all and not violently sabotage it from others because I need to be anyone. I am beyond identity - these are just names others gave me, that i deeply deeply and profoundly and humbly connect to. I will let the word see what your version of Sofia is in her violent cruel words.... I dont' care who can verify your information... i am a clairvoyant healer and your energy field and words told me all that i need to. Wow, you are all these things, including the lower archon God... enjoy your path, i pray for your soul and recovery. I cant die, you all already killed me and continue to, but my unconditional love and spirit is immortal. If you can provide your astro chart and a voice print I can get you checked out, also a renowned psychic who can read you - and then we can answer these quesitons, since you seem to really need an identity. I don't - I went to these people for other reasons and this is what they happened to reveal. You worse than a silly monkey... i don't even pay attention to people like Caroline Kennedy or wish any wrath on her because of what she may claim - nature knows the truth and nature will reveal the truth... why should i be concerned about the frauds!! My response to her – for the disinformation. its not my fault this is what i was told – this will not save those who will drown in the upcoming deluge because of what you have told them…you are obviously a targeted individual with a handler dancing in your head…nothing more nothing less… I have asked Caroline Kennedy if she is immortal and her family too … why have all the Kennedy men died and why did they not resurrect themselves in the way that EA did when he was here as the Christ.