FBI Washington
September 25, 2013
WASHINGTON—Today, law enforcement officials shared findings to date of the investigation into the shootings that occurred at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday, September 16, 2013.
Through information and evidence gathered in interviews, searches, and other investigative activity, investigators and analysts have gained a greater understanding of the recent movements and activities of deceased shooter Aaron Alexis, 34.
Both weapons used by Alexis were recovered at the scene and have been submitted to the FBI Laboratory for forensic analysis. The Remington 870 shotgun had been altered with a sawed-off barrel and stock. Purple duct tape covered the end of the stock and handwritten etchings were present on various parts of the shotgun. Etched into the barrel of the shotgun were the words “End to the torment!” Etched into the right side of the shotgun receiver were the words “Not what yall say!” and etched into the left side of the receiver were the phrases “Better off this way!” and “My ELF weapon!”
Analysis of the electronic media recovered from Alexis’ belongings revealed several relevant communications. While analysis of these communications is ongoing in conjunction with other information and evidence determined through investigation, preliminary analysis has yielded clues to his intentions and issues of importance to him. There are indicators that Alexis was prepared to die during the attack and that he accepted death as the inevitable consequence of his actions. There is no indication to date that Alexis was targeting specific individuals.
There are multiple indicators that Alexis held a delusional belief that he was being controlled or influenced by extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic waves. The etching of “My ELF weapon!” on the left side of the receiver of the Remington 870 shotgun is believed to reference these electromagnetic waves. In addition, a document retrieved from his electronic media stated, “Ultra low frequency attack is what I’ve been subject to for the last 3 months, and to be perfectly honest that is what has driven me to this.”
ELF technology was a legitimate program for naval sub-tonal submarine communications; however, conspiracy theories exist which misinterpret its application as the weaponization of remote neural frequencies for government monitoring and manipulation of unsuspecting citizens.
That's a first step, read the complete story on the FBI website:
READER BEWARE-- In the final paragraph of this article, please be mindful of the use (misuse rather) of the word HOWEVER; especially in the context of this narrative.
In this use, it is possible that the word (however) was used to create doubt and to misdirect the reader's thoughts away from a truth and then get the reader to focus instead, on conspiracies by government, etc. The magician Houdini called this tactic, the "Art of Misdirection," as did the great warrior Sun Tzu, who wrote The Art of War.
In this news release, authorities go on record and are admitting to a 'legitimate program,' (i.e., legitimate means real, bonafide, not of someone's highly imaginative thoughts... but real)-- and this is a great start for disclosure; but it isn't full disclosure of the whole truth. In context, authorities openly state that Alexis "self proclaimed" that he was under the influence of mind control. The writings on Alexis' weapon offer up and paint a vivid picture to the reader how 'delusional' this unfortunate soul was-- when TI's know this is the behavior achieved and sought out by those who cause this to TI's.
Furthermore, what authorities withheld from this referenced news article is that there are legitimate programs which experiment on human subjects and Alexis may have been one such subject. That was not said. The dots were not connected. We can NOT progress, move forward and fix stuff when right before our very eyes the carrot is dangled and then thrown in the trash. Pay attention to what isn't being said folks. It is *only* through EFFECTIVE and GENUINE communication that we learn, stretch and grow. Your comments are welcomed as always. ~Debra (djgTheMediaLady) Florida, USA
What I really relish at are the following words:"remote neural frequencies for government monitoring and manipulation of unsuspecting citizens": it is precise, perfectly explained, simple and clear, like someone who hears about this every day, and frankly how many times have you read in blogs "neural frequencies" or unsuspecting citizens"???? These are ways of describing the reality of the way this technology works, and of this illegal human experiment that are very,very rarely used!
If FBI makes complete autopsy, I believe that they find implants or other marks of mind control. Knowing history of FBI (cointelpro etc), I am skeptical that they will publish their finding.
Actually if FBI would made a real complete investigation of Aaron Alexis body they would find perhaps something like these.
May 2011 Bioethics Commission hearing Public comment session videos Targeted Individuals give their testimonies before the Presidential Commission about their involvement as involuntary mind control, weapons research, and no-touch torture victims.
[1/5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmhdsQ8fPSc
[2/5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKMgHd-gn1M
[3/5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DenV-MTVo80
[4/5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZwNgM0RCY0
[5/5] https://www.youtube.com/
...from a recent email distributed by PeacePink member John Finch (Australia). Please connect with him and have your email address added to his database so that you can be informed of his genuine efforts that TI's be helped, secure justice and much needed health care. Please take a look at the following videos. ~Debra (djgTheMediaLady)
May 2011 Bioethics Commission hearing Public comment session videos Targeted Individuals give their testimonies before the Presidential Commission about their involvement as involuntary mind control, weapons research, and no-touch torture victims.
[1/5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmhdsQ8fPSc
[2/5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKMgHd-gn1M
[3/5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DenV-MTVo80
[4/5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZwNgM0RCY0
[5/5] https://www.youtube.com/
I think the FBI wrote these parts because:
1. They are focusing on Aaron Alexis first.
2.They cannot possibly come publicly with "hey, Aaron Alexis was mind controled - As well as many others around the globe" One has to understand how they must proceed with such informations. Yet, this an old post, posted if you check the date, before the FFCSH came up with their announcement about Alexis having contacted them.
The main thing about this, is the big step forward about admitting that this technology does exist while the army has denied it very existence until this FBI posting. We are far from having everyone believing that the whole globe'thoughts are being listened to, recorded and stored, yes we are indeeed, and even way further from the torture we are going through, even if the Washington Post has mentioned it. They all know, but wont talk about i until they have proofs - yet, the navy has refused to officialy admit the existence of V2K until today. This a very first.
Admitting the very existence of TI's AND V2K simultaneously would lead to a public disaster even though it would be the truth, but as we all know, this is not how things work.
But logically, more will come out.
This is exactly what I was trying to bring to light Chanath. The truth is put right out there and in plain sight. Then, the truth is discounted by an opposing thought (i.e., information) and that new information then becomes their focus and topic of conversation; thus... the art of misdirection.
If we only pay attention to the substance... the substance is what is real. The substance is what they'd prefer us not pay any attention to. Your further comments are welcomed. Anyone? I think we might be getting somewhere now. ...and "justice for all," because no one should be above the law. ~Debra (djgTheMediaLady)
Chanath said: