For god so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him should not perish, but for eternal life.
I lift up my eyes unto the hills, from where my help comes from? my help comes from the Lord, who creates heaven and earth.
The bird of forest and the flowers in garden , water in the valley and fine sand on the seaside, the blue sky with breezy,are praising to god are all together.
Listen, listen, that voice together to praise to god, listen, listen, the children of god, all raise his hands to praise to god
- 林中的小鸟园中的鲜花,山谷中水和海边细沙,青蓝的天空徐徐微风,都举起双手来赞美神--赞美歌
- 听啊,听啊,千万声音,都一齐大声来赞美他,听啊,听啊,神的儿女,都举起双手来赞美他--赞美歌
- 弟兄姐妹,是不是这样?当我们来依靠和赞美神的时候,我们的痛苦就减轻了很多?当我们来赞美神的时候,平安和喜乐就来到我们身边?
- Brothers and sisters, isn't it? When we come to rely on and praise god, our pain will be reduced many? When we praise to god, joy and peace will come to our side?
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