I am going to start a letter writing campaign. I would like suggestions as to whom. Please dont tell me all my state senators and congressmen and representatives. I would like to continue to bombard them with information and all of the above is unrealistic. Maybe the (largest County) reps and senators and congressman even thats alot. What about my governor?Or start Federally? To start where is the best place? Also my computer seems to be hacked in to so it works intermitantly I mean the information I research sometimes doesnt seem to be accurate.I have books though to add some documented support and I will have to discern what attachments I include from the web. My printer isnt making sense and I cant get out to print and mail a pile of letters repeatedly its unrealistic for me at this time but I can email. I thought I would include my experience briefly reference to some websites maybe YouTube links the most insiteful and intelligent ones any suggestions? I want to also include three attachments from different areas of research and usage of the technology, I was thinking military,medical, and science. Please if you have any links for well documented credible support of this technology please post them. Im looking for information that again is intelligent and insiteful that a non targeted individual wont dismiss. PLEASE HELP ME ASAP
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