
  • How do you know? I think I am being assaulted by a female with a microwave transmitter, a neurophone, silent sound device, EEG, several other electronic devices that have nothing to do with military. Where do you get your information. My perp is a female that has nothing to do with the government. She just owns some equipment and has mental problems and has isolated herself ( a symptom of a psychotic) but needs a person to listen to her, which means she is lonely and has found a comfort zone with her V2K equipment, where she can trap one person to listen to her insane ramblings.

    I have read that the perps can hear other people when they turn the volume up and transfer to another person by adjusting volume alone. 

  • TO this, The Prot authority cant stop ELF waves. If the v2k continues while in this tunnel, it is proof of use of ELF waves.

    Lisa Davis said:

    Did you read the part about the Port authority that jams all radio signals while you are in the tunnel. that was the point.

  • Martti, I have seenTIs who posted trying scalar wave blockers. It did not stop the symptoms

  • "I did away with the pain in the body in the shelter", by synthetic_telepathy_victim from ffchs: so it works! He still has V2K though (see post above by me).

  • watch the Jesse Ventura  videos on the conspiracy theory on you tube and he explains Harrp.

    We are not all controlled from there.(Alaska-Harrp) there are perps with equipment in their homes, they need not travel, because radio frequency travels and that is how it is being done. There are ELF towers all over the place and the frequency you are receiving is going through your skin. Does your perp allow you to read much?

  • Martti, why are you concerned about harrp? read the Raven1 book. Do you think the government is interested in you?

  • Lisa Davis said:

    Do you mean this video ?.  What is great in this video, is that Jesse Ventura found that victims are usually living near Gwen towers in United States.

    ELF-waves are ground waves, and Faraday cage is usually grounded, so I understand that this is the reason Faraday cage does not block ground waves.

    watch the Jesse Ventura  videos on the conspiracy theory on you tube and he explains Harrp.

    We are not all controlled from there.(Alaska-Harrp) there are perps with equipment in their homes, they need not travel, because radio frequency travels and that is how it is being done. There are ELF towers all over the place and the frequency you are receiving is going through your skin. Does your perp allow you to read much?

  • Lisa DAvis, Can I ask how you know perps have mind machines in their homes? Have you ever seen one inside a perps home? Or are you just 'adding two plus two'? 

  • Yes, that video and all consecutive ones on his show the conspiracy theory. Yes Gwen towers.  I am still reading the ELF waves and trying to understand what you mean by ground currents being relative to a grounded vs un-grounded Faraday cage. 

    May I please ask you "do you think your perp is at harrp, or is affiliated with the government?" I want to know if your treatment/torture is different than mine from a regular person not affiliated with Harrp and or the government?

    Are you tortured?

  • Not a mind machine! Transmitter and devices just like the one Eleanor White displays in raven1 book, except she does not show the updated versions. I have encyclopedia of mind control book 492 pages of explanations, patents, technology advances, etc... Yes, you can have one in your house. You only need use antennas (ELF, etc...) as a parabolic reflector for signal.

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