List your experiences. For me I'm in the Asian culture. I have been sleep deprived and blasted with radiation in my stomach every now and then . Sometimes I see red lines in my eyes at night . I have reportedly been shamed by them posting my intimate session online to let others shame me with rumors they put up. People are not willing to help me. I feel so ashamed and frightened. At the sametime , I am amazed at how this technology can monitor my actions indoors and cause biological changes to my body. Share your experience and discuss what you have research.
Researched that a faraday cage cannot shield ELF and VLF waves so it is useless. Currently saving money to buy a VHF , UHF jammer . I wonder if anyone has tried EEG headsets to monitor their brainwaves ? I also get an annoying tinnitus sound in my right ear , does anyone experience any ?