THE (7)



As of today, I´m a member of peacelink. I haven´t been able to find any answer to my specific question that I want to ask, so I thought I´d start a thread myself.

My question is: How do I know if I´m mind controlled?

It might seem like an odd q

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3 Replies
Views: 11

Need true TI's to file a US Federal Motion to Interven, NOW! My 3rd try and it needs to be heard or acted on now:to US Supreme Court Justices.they just do their job of upholding the Constitution!

To all True TI's:

I will get the letter to you soon.  In the meantime.  I have mailed my lawsuit to the US Supreme Court, it will arrive their Monday, the Post Office told me: Priority Mail.  Look for it on their web site and I want all true TI's to

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1 Reply
Views: 4

V2k cure

I have options to aid all under mind control, I personally enjoy this war with these num skulls, if you wish to be relived off mind controll and all it's influences, email me, and for a small consultation fee (fort intense research ) I will give you

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Views: 9