here and interesting website
and also a usefull pdf
Whether we like it or not, we are continually buffeted by a myriad of influences thatshape our behaviour. Some of them are obvious, but many go largely unnoticed.Thereweremany gentle effects on behaviour at your lunch in the canteen. Hereare just a few:Social influence and norms.You joined your friends, of course. You alsostood with them by the lifts and waited–but if they headed for the stairsyou‟d probably have followed (or they would have followed you, if you led).Salience and priming.The food you chose and how much you took wassubstantially shaped by what happened in the canteen. The smell primedyour hunger, but so too did the size of your plate and the fact that you hada tray. Larger platescanmake us take larger portions, and trayssubstantially increase the total of volume of food we take. And perhapsthere is slightly more chance that you would have chosen the vegetarianoption if it had come first.Commitment and reciprocity.One of the factors that kept you and yourcolleagues at the lift was that you had already psychologically committed to“Want to grab some lunch?” ask a couple of colleagues as they walk pastyour desk.“Sure,”you say, as you save the Healthy and Green document you‟reworking on and join them as they head to the lifts. The lifts are busy, andyou think about walking over to the stairs-but you‟re already standingthere, so you just wait.Down in the canteen you pick up your tray and join the line. It smells good.You smile to the man behind the counter and he puts the beef stew on a hotplate and hands it to you. You move along past the vegetarian option, andadd a heap of potatoes and carrots to your plate. Putting your plate back onthe tray, you pause briefly at the salad bar before adding a bowl of puddingto your tray. As you head to the till, you glance at the bit of space left onyour tray and add a can of drink.“Here you go,” your colleague says, as he puts some cutlery and a glass onyour tray and you join the queue together. “Damn, I left my card upstairs.”“Here, use mine,” you say.Finally, you make your way towards an empty table. You spot the PermSec. It would be great to ask her about that new job. She‟s at a table forfour with just one other person, but somehow you just walk on by and joinyour colleagues. “I‟ll catch her another day,” you mumble to yourself.12Discussion document–not a statement of government policythe idea. A related effect is how readily you paid for your colleague oncehe had shown you the kindness of getting your cutlery.Incentives and choice environment.The psychological barrier of joiningthe four-person table with your boss was too great–despite the potentialgains, you were worried about making a fool of yourself. In other words,you were loss-averse, and stuck with the familiar company of your friends.But if the table had eight places or more, with just the two occupied, youmight have joined her. The physical environment often subtly shapes ourbehaviour and the ways in we interact with others.Many of these influences are now wellunderstood. Others have beendemonstrated in experiments, but their impact in everyday contexts is still unclear.For example, we tend to like people more if they give us a hot drink rather than acold drink–did the warm plate make us feel more positively about the person whogave us our lunch?There is much more that we need to find out, but we do know enough to set out themain effects on behaviour and to show how they can help policymakers in practice.This report does not just explain theory; it offers tools for government.
this stuff is usefull to know.....then ask yourself are people being genuine or are they trying to Influence my behaviour/opinnion /belief
so you are well versed in "influencing" people ?
LaBrat said: