Patti Maes, Karl Sims and other MIT Staff use Ambient Technology account to procure human research subjects
Aug. 22, 2010
A year ago I began recording conversations that could be heard on several levels of the scalar waves being beamed into my home. I was able to record over 2000 messages and have begun transcribing them as they can be analyzed and heard if they are viewed in an audio program that has a color spectrum window. There are multiple layers of conversations and in the transcripts I am enclosing please note that a solid line denotes a conversation on a different audio level. This is also the reason that there are some statements that seem out of order as it is much like a party line of people talking while they use this technology.
One of the messages I transcribed yesterday is of my neighbor who works for Portland community college saying that he wished he had gotten paid in cash for finding victims for Patti Maes to use as lab rats for her scalar holographic research instead of having her make his house payment direct using the ambient technology account. This is information that can easily be verified through an audit and should alleviate any claims of innocence or lack of knowledge on her part.
Her husband Karl Sims also participated in the holographic hypnosis that was done without my consent in my home in Feb. of this year. She was also assisted by individuals in the Portland area associated with PCC as well as several individuals who are employed with MIT in the Real Estate Dept. and were attending a symposium in Portland Oregon at the time.
I have known personally who they are for some time as they are quite arrogant and use their own names and Karl Sims even projects his own image during the hologram however I wanted proof beyond a shadow of a doubt before actually making an accusation and taking this information to the press and the FBI. I believe the fact that she made multiple payments for the procurement non consensual research victims out of her Ambient Technology Account is absolute proof. There is even a debate as to which would be the lesser of evils…do they refund part of the money they were paid by Ambient Technology because I moved or do they try to make sure any neighbor I have currently moves so I can be easily accessed by Pattie Maes and Karl Sims this week after they return from Africa.
I also find it extremely offensive that these underlings of hers pretend to be officers for the Federal Government Electronic Harassment Task Force and the Oregon State Police. In addition to that you will see that the scalar broadcasts are riddled with some of the most vial racial slurs I have ever heard. I fully intend to contact the Southern Poverty law Center on Monday morning and turn over the 34 dvds I have the conversations recorded on.
Another significant point is that immediately after the holographic hypnosis in February I sent a description of what had occurred to my friend Ret. Commander Will Miller and was surprised to hear that my experience was identical to the holographic hypnosis experienced by Dr. Steven Greer with CSETI and Author Colin Andrews who specializes in crop circles.
Dr. Greer and two of his associates all coincidentally developed cancer and his close friend and assistant died. On the recordings you can hear Martha Arredondo stating that Patti Maes told her I would be dead within 2 years from the cancer that would be caused by the scalar weapon.
There are numerous other references to deaths of individuals used in this manner including the discussion as to how easily it would be to cause an infarction with the energy. However the most disturbing to me was a conversation that occurred just a few days ago stating that Patti Maes called Martha Arredondo and bragged of causing a teen to commit suicide by hanging.
I have only included a sampling of the conversations as I record 24/7 and you are welcome to copies of the evidence which can be validated using a digital voice signature.
I realize the extremity of my accusations and I do not make them lightly nor without absolute proof that will hold up in a court of law.
I find it hard to believe that MIT would condone such actions as to sell women to supplement the lack of available federal funding however it is mentioned so many times that I cannot over look the possibility especially since there are 3 conversations regarding the sale of women with Patti Maes and then numerous conversations between the individuals who procure her unknowing research subjects as recently as this week referencing the same issue.
On a final note in this letter which I am writing to make you aware of the gravity of this situation I am including a brief article I found online where Patti Maes references herself as a ‘download diva’ and states that she understands the awe she inspires. I do not think anything else needs to said on this issue as the article will speak for itself.
What it comes down to is that MIT employees are committing crimes against humanity surpassed only by Hitler in the name of research against American citizens funded by MIT.
Cynthia Pellitieri
541 806 1835