MIT is using the scalar hypnotic sixth sense developed by MIT Media to actually conduct their online games in the minds of those they believe might have an alien connection.

I am Enki's Sofia and a member of the Nephilim Court

i am also a member of the Nephilim War Court

I am not a gamer nor did I appreciate having Patti Maes and the other MIT idiots pop into my head without invitation with hopes of being able to 'read the mind of GOD' at the expense of humanity.

Gaia is NOT holographic and the Gaia sector is not a holographic matrix. it is very much a 3d atmospheric density and those dwelling here do not live in a virtual realm. How dare you violate the minds of the lambs to obtain knowledge so far over your head you would not know what to do with it.

I Sofia am a Sirean/Nephilim cross and my husband Lord Enki is a Gargoylian Nephilim and we are both very much in here in this physicality.

UFO disclosure is here and you will know this to be true if you have ears to hear the real life news of sightings and airport closings.

There is no United States or any other government because ALL  real life weapons are off line in every country.  We have even found the 300 nuclear war heads that the military has ‘lost’ since WW2 in an attempt to recreate history similar to that of Alalu when he came to earth and brought the weapon hidden in the caves until used at Sodom and Gomorrah.

All religious theological writings with new information published by associates of MIT/INTEL/IBM are based on information stolen from my computer when it was hacked by MIT Media lab. Patti Maes is imprisoned in the bowels of NIBIRU which was forced to return to this sector early due to the sale of women into slavery and for snuff flicks as we have NO I repeat NO tolerance for sexual predators.

I personally terminated the soul of Patti Maes and the others who violated my personal space and she will have her life force terminated as soon as we are done looking inside her head.

You are the lambs being lead to slaughter out of ignorance. You are now no longer ignorant and wiil be judged on your own actions. You now have a choice between 2 roads….one goes to slaughter the other to green pasture.  Why would a lamb choose death/slaughter by violating another when it could choose life/green pasture by walking in the light and not violating another?

We own the presidential court and the European system which will be dismantled. No one will know hunger and all will have health care.

HAARP, DARPA, GWEN will ALL be removed from Gaia.

If you have ears to hear then listen.


Supreme Commander Lord Kasim

Supreme Commander Lord Anu

Supreme Commander Lord Enlil

Supreme Commander Lord Enki

Enki’s Sofia


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