Read complete article for how METALIC IMPLANTS, FUGI, SYNTHITIC ORGANISMS (Morgellons) are used TO CREATE A HUMAN ANTENNA
Artificial Telepathy
A lot of the earliest experimentations in mind control possessed what can only be called magical aspects, in the sense that the perpetrators were attempting things with their fingers crossed, hoping they could beam thoughts into people heads, or overtake a persons body with radio waves. When this failed to work like magic, people like Jose Delgado began his ghoulish experiments of actually implanting probes in monkeys brains, to see how they could be effected by wireless energy when implanted thus. Implants definitely increase the value of mind control via broadcast energy, which is why research veered off in that direction. It has been shown that even two wires, anywhere in a persons body, can be played like a musical instrument to cause subliminal, opposing, or resonant effects, creating a broad range of predictable behaviors. These wires can be ingested in food, or actually sprayed via aerosols, because they do not have to be large, just metallic. The patent concerning evocation of sensory responses through thermal and other frequency stimuli, which was noted earlier and exists in its entirety as appendix M (United States Patent,5,800,481-Loos- September 1, 1998 Thermal excitation of sensory resonances) could easily become an example of this type of mind control.
Many biotechnological (Biotech) organisms have been weaponized, and that includes cancers of many types, most notably skin cancers. These too are excitable with broadcast or beam energy weapons, causing much greater growth and pain in the sore or wound, very much akin to the heat patch mentioned in the patent above. Overall a bad skin cancer will make any subject much more sensitive to all kinds of broadcast energy. Some funguses act with severity and accelerated growth in the presence of wireless energies, as well as biological plasmas, such as the armies weaponized mycoplasma (Appendix N). The term molecular terrorism has been used to describe the mycoplasma weapons patented by the United States military, and that is an apt description, going hand in hand with the PNAC/Rebuilding Americas Defense report claiming microbes should be considered a viable political tool. Scott Shanes article "Buried Secrets Of Biowarfare" for the Baltimore Sun, August 1, 2004, covers some history of microbes as political tools:
During the Cold War, top Army scientists toiled stealthily in rural Maryland to make covert weapons coveted by new enemies. For years, in total secrecy, they studied the black art of bioterrorism. They designed deadly, silent biological dart guns and hid them in fountain pens and walking sticks. They crunched lethal bacteria into suit buttons that could be worn unnoticed across borders. They rigged light fixtures and car tailpipes to loose an invisible spray of anthrax. They practiced germ attacks in airports and on the New York subway, tracking air currents and calculating the potential death toll. But they weren't a band of al-Qaida fanatics -- or enemies of any kind. They were biowarriors in the U.S. Army's Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick. From 1949 to 1969, at the jittery height of the Cold War, the division tested the nation's vulnerability to covert germ warfare -- and devised weapons for secret biological attacks if the United States chose to mount them. A few years ago, its story -- never before told in detail -- would have seemed a macabre footnote to U.S. history...after the Sept. 11 attacks, the anthrax mailings and a steady stream of government warnings on terrorism, the fears of the 1950s have returned -- and the experiments of Fort Detrick's covert bioweapons makers suddenly resonate in a new era. In the biological realm, there is little that any terrorist group could concoct that Fort Detrick's "dirty tricks department," as veterans call it, didn't think up decades ago. But because of the division's scant record keeping and the fast-disappearing
ranks of its aged scientist-warriors, the knowledge it acquired is being lost to history. One of the few survivors is Wallace Pannier, 76, who remembers standing in a Frederick County field watching sheep shot with what the Army called a "nondiscernible bioinoculator" -- a dart gun. The bosses demanded a dart so fine that it could penetrate clothing and skin unnoticed, then dissolve, leaving no trace in an autopsy..."
Delivery and concoction, both, have made great progress since then, rest assured. Not only are biotechnological weapons being deployed across vast areas in America during tests, but implanted technology at the nano level is either here now, or right around the corner. Morgellons disease seems to be the result of some of this experimentation. (4) But Wait. There is more!
The use of biologicals as implanted coercion is coming into more common usage, thats for sure. These biologicals make a subject much more sensitive to broadcast energys, ie. Directed Energy Weapons. There are also the old standby electronic implants, and these are actually well developed and much more sophisticated now. It is very possible, nay, probable, that these advanced implants are beginning to accomplish a lot of the earlier yearned-for types of mind control, i.e. speech to brain, machine to brain, and even motor control of far away subjects. It is not possible to cover even a minute portion of the inroads made concerning the many electronic forms of mind control, or even the biotech/nanotech state of the art. Consult the appendices for some in depth information to use in further searches pertaining to mind control technology, while remembering all the while that whatever you see, is just the unclassified minimum.
The Human Antennae
Another factor of mind control which became apparent in hindsight has to do with the actual form of the human body. In many ways, humans are antennae unto themselves. There is radiation in very small amounts always going outward, most of which is heat. Reception is the main property of the bodily antenna though; being mostly composed of water facilitates this, and a lot of that water is electrolytic in nature. Reception of wireless energy is always occurring as far as the human body is concerned, especially through the spinal column, which everyone knows is directly attached to the brain. The spinal cord itself is considered by many to be a part of the brain, in that the two systems together form a singular entity by which the rest of the organism senses its environment.
This Body-As-Antenna is an important concept, because one of the main forms of non-intrusive/non-invasive electronic mind control is called entrainment. Entrainment takes advantage of the fact that over a period of time the human body, through its attributes as an antenna, will pick up and adapt itself to over-riding frequencies around it, to frequencies that remain constant for periods of time, and are of a certain magnitude, which means of a certain level of power. This is how a lot of the body came to operate at or near the atmospheric song called the Schumann Resonance, as partially explained earlier. The Schumann Resonance, a product of lightening in the atmosphere, was discovered in 1957 by German physicist W. O. Schumann, while he was doing some work for the navy, and it was named in his honor. The dominant frequency of the Schumann Resonance just happens to be very close to the resonant frequency of the human brain.
Over many many thousands of years lightening had created a standing wave energy resonance between the ionosphere and the ground. Imagine a bell perpetually ringing because it is struck ever so often (Lightening) to maintain its sound. This resonant energy in the Earths ionospheric shell was constantly being maintained every time lightening occurred, which, globally, is many times a minute, and the main frequency of this resonance, this atmospheric bell, was around 7.8 hertz. The term "was" is being used in the last few sentences because the resonance of our environment has been drastically altered and continually fluctuates now because of the maniacal experimentation during the last decades, and may never be the same again.
Some perceive this in itself as a long-term directed energy weapons attack being inflicted on the entire human race, and that certainly looks to be about it. Mass torture forever and ever. Some of the science behind these happenstance was covered in the previous chapters, and can be researched as far as the reader wishes to go.
The propensity of the human body, via the spine and brain, to tune itself to new energies which are of large enough magnitude to override other, natural resonances, is called Entrainment. Entrainment is a natural adjustment mechanism of the body which can be utilized nefariously in numerous forms of mental coercion where ELF and even ULF frequencies inundate the environment. In some cases, states of consciousness can be carried along with some high amplitude low frequency energies so that behavior is altered, and that alteration is calculable. Measurements taken from a volunteers brain when undergoing various states of consciousness, such as sedation, or fear, or anxiety, can then be broadcast in such a manner as to induce those exact same states in whole populations. Any implants or metallic conditionings which that population has previously acquired will of course strengthen those effects.
From Russia With...
One should always remember Russia's interest and exposure to the work of Nikola Tesla. This appears to have occurred well before American interest manifested, except as communication and entertainment. Many people, including this author, believe that Russia actually won the Cold War, and Americas so-called victory was really a resounding defeat, made all the more effective because America never realized they were being schnookered. The attack has now become unrelenting, and in fact has gained new intensity. In reality this coup de grace was accomplished by the appointees in Americas government, the mislabeled "Elected Officials" who no longer serve American interests, and have not for quite some time.
Thus began the era of psychotronics in the U.S.A., and it has expanded exponentially, and is now inescapable. Any odd phenomena noticed by the well distracted and pain addled American populace is explained away as rainmaking, needed to alleviate drought, though most people here have been dumbed down below the ability to understand even the rudimentary science behind ENMOD, or to understand that said drought was actually just another attack by Russia on America, from across the world, using broadcast energies of the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter, whose latest incarnation is known as HAARP. For a little background on the Russian interest, development, and deployment of wireless weaponry, review the excerpts below:
Prepared for the US military publication Parameters, subtitled "US Army War College Quarterly." The publication describes itself as "The United States Army's Senior Professional Journal." In his article "The Mind Has No Firewall", Timothy L. Thomas states:
"An entirely new arsenal of weapons, based on devices designed to introduce subliminal messages or to alter the body's psychological and data-processing capabilities, might be used to incapacitate individuals. These weapons aim to control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data-processing systems of the human organism. In both cases, the goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in equilibrium, to wit: Russian Views on "Psychotronic War":
The term "psycho-terrorism" was coined by Russian writer N. Anisimov of the Moscow Anti-Psychotronic Center. According to Anisimov, psychotronic weapons are those that act to "take away a part of the information which is stored in a man's brain. It is sent to a computer, which reworks it to the level needed for those who need to control the man, and the modified information is then reinserted into the brain." These weapons are used against the mind to induce hallucinations, sickness, mutations in human cells, "zombification," or even death. Included in the arsenal are VHF generators, X-rays, ultrasound, and radio waves. Russian army Major I. Chernishev, writing in the military journal Orienteer in February 1997, asserted that "psy" weapons are under development all over the globe. Specific types of weapons noted by Chernishev (not all of which have prototypes) were: A psychotronic generator, which produces a powerful electromagnetic emanation capable of being sent through telephone lines, TV, radio networks, supply pipes, and incandescent lamps....An autonomous generator, a device that operates in the 10-150 Hertz band, which at the 10-20 Hertz band forms an infrasonic oscillation that is destructive to all living creatures....A nervous system generator, designed to paralyze the central nervous systems of insects, which could have the same applicability to humans....Ultrasound emanations, which one institute claims to have developed. Devices using ultrasound emanations are supposedly capable of carrying out bloodless internal operations without leaving a mark on the skin. They can also, according to Chernishev, be used to kill....Noiseless cassettes. Chernishev claims that the Japanese have developed the ability to place infra-low frequency voice patterns over music, patterns that are detected by the subconscious. Russians claim to be using similar "bombardments" with computer programming to treat alcoholism or smoking....The 25th-frame effect, alluded to above, a technique wherein each 25th frame of a movie reel or film footage contains a message that is picked up by the subconscious. This technique, if it works, could possibly be used to curb smoking and alcoholism, but it has wider, more sinister applications if used on a TV audience or a computer operator... Psychotropics, defined as medical preparations used to induce a trance, euphoria, or depression. Referred to as "slow-acting mines," they could be slipped into the food of a politician or into the water supply of an entire city. Symptoms include headaches, noises, voices or commands in the brain, dizziness, pain in the abdominal cavities, cardiac arrhythmia, or even the destruction of the cardiovascular system....There is confirmation from US researchers that this type of study is going on. Dr. Janet Morris, coauthor of The Warrior's Edge, reportedly went to the Moscow Institute of Psycho-corrections in 1991. There she was shown a technique pioneered by the Russian Department of Psycho-Correction at Moscow Medical Academy in which researchers electronically analyze the human mind in order to influence it. They input subliminal command messages, using key words transmitted in "white noise" or music. Using an infra-sound, very low frequency transmission, the acoustic psycho-correction message is transmitted via bone conduction..."
And also, from the book Psychotronic Golgotha itself, by N.I. Anisimov, 1999:
After the fall of fascist Germany, the scientific research in the area of the creation of psycho-technological weapons fell into the hands of the Soviet military and the Chekists, and they gave a significant push to the creation of national psychotronic weapons...
At the end of 50 years, contemporary national psychotronic weapons emerged from the laboratories of the secret NII and began to appear in the arsenals of the secret service and the military. At the same time, in the "List of Knowledge Prohibited from Publication," the point was introduced regarding the prohibition of the open publication of material about technical devices intended for influencing of the behavioral functions of a person and about the possibility of controlling the behavior of a person. At the end of 70 years, psychotronic weapons started to come off the conveyors of assembly lines of secret factories to be used against the population on a mass scale. At the end of 80 years, the first rights-defense movement in the country came to be created, leading to the uneven struggle against the monstrous criminals of the century...”
The above two sources cite likely time frames, and weaponry developed during them, which definitely dovetails with what is known concerning Russian interest and development of broadcast coercion. The fact that these were all well in place within Russia prior to its supposed break up, to then be deployed here in full force and with great alacrity, does not bode well for the American people. All the dissembling, denial, and smoke that accompanies queries for details about this technology, requires the discerning reader to review the past record of government lies in the name of secrecy and security, then reassess/re-evaluate these cover stories concerning ENMOD, and decide for themselves what is really happening to them and their children.
Found on web by David Huber