UN Human Rights

UN Human Rights Council

International Bar Association

Human Rights Watch

Amnesty International 

Amnesty International Canada

International Human Rights Community 

International Criminal Court

Canadian Governments

Mr.Prime Minister of Canada, on behalf of Canadian government, stated at UN:


Mr. Public Safety Minister, on behalf of Canadian government, stated :


However, in my home and in my workplace, Toronto police, Canadian torturers ,living as my neighbours, keep torturing, terrorizing, attemptedly murdering me by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, which are classified as weapons of mass destruction by UN. 

They keep attacking my head, my heart and my hearing with them. RCMP investigated the same case in Cuba.

Meanwhile, they are hacking everything no matter who you are, UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and me . This being hacked video by Toronto police, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government, contains one letter from Mr. Attorney General of Canada, my report to UN and their torture, terror, crimes against humanity .

 "After UN contacted me..."


UN Human Rights ,which promise to keep any evidence for victims,  have all evidence I have provided.

What can we do? UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court, Canadian government , they all can not stop them?

Canadian victim of torture

Robin Yan


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