my experience.

I am currently under EBL & remote neural monitoring and my life is miserable. I experience frequent vibrations both
on me & near me, (spine / neck/ foot / ankle/ hands)

I can actually experience this technology in a variety of ways. Voices turn from internal (Forced thoughts, or other
people's voices in my head) to external ----in the form of actually manipulating other peoples voices in stores/
restaurants/--- I also hear external sound waves of electronic voice files at times. These sound files can repeat
themselves over and over. (For example for days I heard the same set of sentences everytime I walked by my bathroom

There is definately a program involved - - I've learned enough to establish a bit how the programming of EBL & neuro
monitoring works - -

I'm led to believe that RNM machine mimics superego/ego/id & that one thought is then manipulated into several
sentences which can form a psuedo conversation (making you believe that people are talking about you, or that you're
talking to a group of people)--but it's NOT many people. it's a fucking computer program. It can even mimic voices
of people you know. (myself. my mother. my boyfriend. people from years ago.)

....I've discovered the programming asks pre-formatted questions and takes answers from your subconscious and uses
them to manipulate you, in order to gather further data/ dictate emotional response.

I've tested out these programs by answering their questions with words like green beans and blue cars/ red cars - -
-and their followup responses were a mixmatch of phrases containing the words "greenbeans" and "blue cars" proving my

once I tested with them and anssered them with david byrne lyrics take me to the river and their responses were such

"that stuipd bitch thought i threw her in the river"

"yeah I remember when me and you went to the river"

"she used to go to the river"

etc etc etc

Nobody I've told believes me. It's so out of this world, that I sound like a lunatic. I'd believe I was
schizophrenic if I didnt know this was EBL & remote monitoring. it's VERY electronic. If anyone could experience
it, they could see how obviously different this is from a psychological problem. First of all, this just started for
me less than one month ago. 2ndly, I've been able to escape it for days at a time, and I can physically feel when I
get "reconnected" , and 3rdly, as already mentioned, it's VERY technological. It's crazy advanced, but imperfect &
quirky enough to be obviously man made.

From time to time, there are actual people who link in and speak to you. And they can be very cruel and threatening,

Forcing me to overhear them talking to/about me & then punishing me for hearing them. Sometimes they force offensive
pictures or words to be seen in my mind.

Despite their torment, I am constantly confused on where I stand with these people. I find myself constantly
negotiating with them. Begging for mercy then pushing back at them.

Are they my friend? giving me advice on how to help myself out? Are they merely toying with me?

The voices say a variety of things. Ranging from threatening to "informative." They harrass me, and at times speak
of "big data" - - (talking about "big data as if he were a person) and big data has mercy on me or they'd fuck me up
worse -- they being the people on mind-map

I feel very threatened to not discuss this with anybody....if i do discuss this , I am told I will be on brainlink
for life.
When I threaten them back that I will out this information publically, they tell me they dont care. they tell me
they're trying to help me. they make fun of me. they use distracting tactics. they threaten to make my life much
worse. they use every tactic in the world to get my mind elsewhere.

However, if I am complacent, I am heavily tormented. - they play cat and mouse games with me. . .
making fun of me, tormenting me, taunting me. telling me to shut the fuck up. causing me panic and anxiety. they
are abusive, demeaning, vicious, sexual, loud, and treat me like an animal (I have come to dread any form of intimacy
with my boyfriend, showering, or going to the bathroom... it's become a demeaning and humiliating experience.
Psychologically, I feel damaged for life. - I don't think I'll ever feel like I'll ever feel at ease just doing
normal "women things")

I believe there is definitely mind control involved, as they can completely convince me of one "reality", and then discover they had completely screwed with my mind for the entire day.

I fear for what will happen to me for posting this. But I'm desperate. Please help me.

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  • Bonjour,

    Soyez très vigilent voici un lien utile .

     Très attention '' stratégie de séduction '',

    Recherchez, informez vous documentation GANG STALKING.

    Nombre de choses de votre définition sont pour la plus part ici identifiées, reconnues..


  • Thank you Carrin - that's the only thing getting me through this - I believe Jesus sees my pain - and while I don't quite understand the reason behind this attack - I know earth is just a blink of an eye in comparison to my existence and that gets me through this misery - God bless :)
    Carrin Behr said:

    If you believe in prayer, pray for protection with the blood of Jesus Christ - it helps.

  • Vraiment, tout mon respect envers ces bonnes paroles, et de réconfort.

    Toutefois, si vos prières sont '' violées '' , prêter attention qu'ils ne commettent '' UN MIRACLE '' ou naître diableries en opposition et de tentés vous en exploitez sous cet aspect.

    Puisse DIEU si est : vous préservez.


  • Pleading the Most Precious Blood of Jesus: "Father in heaven, may we all be cleansed by the saving Blood of Jesus; may our consciences be purged of dead works. Scripture says that evil is defeated by the Blood of the Lamb, so we ask that the Blood of Jesus cover all who are in need of protection (all civil, religious and lay leaders, our families, friends, enemies, all those for whom we have promised to pray, and ourselves). Thank You, Lord, for shedding Your Blood for us. May the Water and Blood that came from the side of Jesus create a protecting fountain of grace, one which flows directly from the throne of God to us. Come, Lord, and fill us with Your Holy Spirit. Precious Blood of Jesus, shed on the Cross for us, bless this house. Take it under Thy protection.  In Your Precious Blood, Lord, we hide: our salvation ,our safety ,our ministries, our marriages, our relationships, our health ,our homes ,our vehicles our finances ..."

  • beautiful, thank you Lyn!

  • Oui, merci.

  • Dear Fouad and All true Victim's:  Why don't you move??  I suggested jobs and good health care in Tibet?  Jobs in US and other Bilingual jobs for a good interpreter like you, so why don't you move, my friend: Fouad!?  I want the best life possible for you here on out!!  I heard in Detroit, MI. because the automobile industry is down, that houses can be bought for 1 Cent!!!!!.........Why not get smart and creative!  buy up property for TI's!!!!  Get a few complexes going to share expenses for testing expenses and be witnesses for each other!!!!!!!!!!! PASS THE WORD!!  IT IS TIME TO UNITE, PROTEST AND TAKE ACTION!!! ............THE US SUPREME COURT HAS DISMISSED MY CASE FOR THE THIRD TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!   THEY REFUSE TO UPHOLD THE US CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS....WE MUST GET AN ATTORNEY TO TAKE OUR CASE!!  IN THE MEAN TIME, I ADVISED YOU AND ALL TI'S TO SEND ME THEIR AFFIDAVIT, AS I AM FILING IN ARIZONA DISTRICT COURT, AND I PLAN ON WINNING THIS TIME...I WILL BE PROTESTING DAILY AT THE AZ DISTRICT COURT, ON DAYS I GET FREE.......PASS THE WORD, IT IS TIME ALL TI'S UNITE, FILE A OR A FEW LAWSUITS TO US SUPREME COURT AND WE NOW HAVE LEGAL GROUNDS FOR A "GOVERNMENT THAT WILL NOT DO ITS JOB!!...THE JUDICIAL AND CONGRESSIONAL SECTIONS OF OUR GOVERNMENT REFUSE TO TAKE ON THE WORSE PRECEDENT CASES THAT SHOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED, LET ALONE CONTINUE TO HAPPEN AND NOT BE HEARD AT THE US SUPREME COURT LEVEL!!!  WE ARE ALLOWED TO "fire, overhaul" any governmental employee how refuse to uphold the constitution and Bill of Rights: Privacy "in your own body!!"...Due process!!!...Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness!!  Cruel and Unusual Punishment for a crime we never committed!!!  

    Here is how to google, helpful info that is current!!  Good luck and let me know who can gather and help...each victim here must take a part!!  share each other skills, share and buy the microwave detectors and witness and share devices for each other....UNITE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!    CALL ME IF I CAN HELP MORE...I AM STARTING A NEW WEB SITE NOW!!!  CALL IF I CAN HELP MORE:  MS. KRIS DURSCHMIDT IN CHANDLER, AZ, USA   480-786-8883


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