Recording in my room on the Oregon Coast in August 2010
Taken down numerous levels as described below
I believe it is a satellite transmission
Increase sound
Reduce noise
Reduce until cant be seen and becomes as a dark matter negative factor appearing as a shadow on screen spectrum
Then shadow moved rapidly across screen out of site in an evasive measure
Increase sound again and it appears as if a portal opens in middle of almost box shaped sound in purple
The specks of light appear as a helix like dna with the tiny specs of light possible chromosomes
The purple is surrounded by orange red
The orange red and purple is what the god source flashed when he came to me several times in the holohgraphic hypnotic session by patti maes in feb
The color is orange red and not darker red it is how I could tell difference between true source and pretender
The pretender is a non repeater and not immortal
Karl sims is MIT pati maes’ husband of participated the holograph hypnotic session MIT did on me in West Linn, Oregon . it is significant tonote that he has written a lengthy paper on genetic algorithms