Santa made his list and checked it twice…
He saw some people who weren’t very nice
Instead of for candy
aussies asked for coal
And for this black rock
they paid with their soul
the Asians carelessly over fished the seas
and the sharks now have nothing on which to feed
so in masses they patrol the coast line
just waiting to be told where they can dine
Belgium don’t think we forgot about you
Your souls have all be compromised too
Perhaps some water will come your way
And the sharks will be sent to your place to play
As for all the brits horses and all the kings men
Did you really think you had a chance to win
And as for the nazi german 3rd reicht
Into the abyss I offer you a free flight
Usa don’t think we have forgotten your crime
And you too will be held accountable in time
The city of angels underwater will be
And the American Indians will finally be free
Zurich with your little cern
With a pin size black whole
who will you burn
foolish little jack asses you never do learn
china and japan
tigers and lions
you will suffer the same fate
as islamas and zions
new Zealand we have watched you too
and you will no longer injure those in my zoo
chiles, phillipines and the great spain
I guarantee you no food will grow on your planes
And for any one else who I didn’t inclued
do not think that you will be allowed to elude
the fate you are guaranteed to yield
because you wouldn’t stay off the energy field
turkey and india you too will topple
I hear daily on the airwave gobble gobble
You and Russian the writers of red ink
Will be trapped on your continents
When they sink
IAM’s were watching
Nephilim War Court
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