
This is a recording I did on my phone, it didnt record the full thing.

This is the song speed up 22 times and reversed.

You hear necromancer, middle eastern government, middle east, this is a gold album, and other words.


This is the song slowed down 22%. 


Do this technique to songs, tv, and the radio to see the people behind everything. I might be dead this halloween, but I want to at least leave the people with techniques to help them fight the power behind this.

 Heres my story

This all started 5 years ago. I wanted to rap about government corruption, and catholic corruption.

Catholic they got the name from how Cow was sacred in the egyptian afterlife. A guy with the first syllables of Anti invented Roman catholic religion.
Then we have the antichrist. There are 33 greeks, then we have Jesus who died at 33. JC Jesus Christ same initials as Julius Ceasar. Romans is the last chapter in the bible. The romans got there wealth by taking over egypt. My theory was that Eve from the bible gave a clue to where eden was. The V in eve points south to
where the african jungle would be probably where they kept there weed crops. The word "nigger" rhymes with bigger. Maybe they were jealous of how africans were taller than them the white people. Anyway after wrote down my theories I heard voices coming from the songs I was listening to too. Mainly Eminem, Biggie Smalls, Tupac, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Dr Dre. I heard the actual person even the dead ones. Sounded just like them. They offered me a shower a place where druggies meet and give you money or set you up with drugs or dealing. I didnt go because that wasnt my thing. After the voices got so bad I had to quit school, and I ended up on the street. They still offered me the shower. It was located in the druggy neighborhood. I went there, and everyone could read each others minds. I wasnt even on anything unless they fed me drugs through the walls in the shelter. I had a beer and left the bar afterwards because I didnt see the guy I was going to meet. Later that year I contacted my mother, and she provided me with a place that I could be off the street. Stupidly I still wanted to rap. So I bought weed, and smoked listened to beats and wrote music using Jay'Z and Eminems voice. I thought it was my music but it wasnt. I thought they were ghost writing for me, but it just happens they liked the beat and wrote. I wrote the songs down and intended to record them. But I didnt get to because the voices started coming from my TV and radio saying horrible things scaring me. At night I would them pull my stomach apart it sounded like somebodys bodily functions were going through me. I ended up having a nervous break down, and cops got me almost broke my arm and brought me to the mental hospital, where the voices were even worse there. The reason they attack me is I know Tupac Shakur, Biggie Smalls and Bin laden are still alive. They have been commiting crimes letting people out of jail. Growing the drug trade, murdering and stealing. After getting out of the mental hospital, I found myself living with my sister and on the medication respiradal. It didnt work for me, just made my body weaker. When watching my TV or internet I would hear everybody that was on talking back to me always saying the same things, responding, and saying they were going to connect my heart to another body when I die to another body that will get tortured infinitely. On September 4th there was an orgy happening within the walls. I got to have sex with Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, and many others. They told me to be quite, I couldnt stop speaking in head. Around me was Biggie Smalls, Eminem, Bin Laden, Obama, Britney Spears(she modulates her voice to make her sound cute) Biggie started stealing my blood I dont know how but it was this awful feeling in my penis. They also started raping my organs, my legs, heart, buttocks. They also instructed Nicki Minaj to pee in me. She pees in my scrotum which they said causes cancer. Then Bin Laden revealed himself and showed me a picture of his butt, Tupac then showed a picture of my penis and put it in it. From then on I felt this weird hot chemical inside my right leg. And continued throughout my body, they then said I have more deseases. The next day they showed me a picture of Jesus and instructed me to get on my hands and feet pray. They told me not to drink or eat. I didnt do what they asked so they poisoned my food through the stove and microwave. They also played an underground police siren that no one could hear but me. I couldnt stand living there anymore so I moved back in with my parents. They arent putting chemicals in my body anymore, because its an old house, but they are playing sounds I weird alien like sound, and telling me to commit suicide which they also did in the city. They told me to pour gasoline on myself and set myself on fire. The next day I read that a guy did the same in Washington State mall. Im learning how to not listen to them by doing work around the farm, and reading holy scriptures. The government shutdown in the states will result in Obama going to Eastern Countries to get there money then they will change there laws and then any non muslim murder will be allowed. The last queen of egypt was either killed or commited suicide. suicide.. first 3 letters. Sui, last 3 letters of Julius Sui Caesars name. Cease her. If you look at it that way you have a clue. Also Julie August(Augustus), October(Octavian) All his names. Recently my security camera went down. They said they are going to get me on devils night. There are getting old acquaintances to do it. There pictures they show me are horrendous. Maybe using gas lighting? I read about it on your site. They have my body handing my heart out over a toilet connected to be brain. I met Dr Kavorkian, and Hitler who plan on torturing me. If I listen to a movie where hitler is speaking he talks to me during the movie and afterwards(Identical voices) They can give you coke, sex, chemicals, or bugs through your walls if you have pipes in your house. This may be an ancient technique or newer I'm not sure. I also met the Japanese emperor, virtually anyone you can mention you can have them come to you by picturing there face or name in your mind. Tupac and Bin Laden has provided a way for criminals to be free, they also said they saved everyone from hell. Another thing they are trying to convince me is that I was the one who killed the Egyptian Queen which I don't believe I did. How could I go close to her? Meaning that I started black slavery, saying that you should think of all the babies they could have had because of me they were not having which is equal to murder to them.  Even now my parents put the radio on and they are saying the musicians dont like what I am writing. These are not voices in my mind but are coming from the radio, and the walls. It could be possible that TI's were either slavers or did something in there past life that someone didnt like. If you find that I dont contact you after devils night I was kidnapped. Hopefully I get past that date.

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  • this is a secret technique taught to me to hear the sounds clearer.

    first you reverse, then you slow it down 22 percent, then speed it up 22 percent.

    you hear middle eastern music clearly being said in this recording.

    restless dreamssecrettechnique.mp3

  • Heres another song eminem wrote for me. I didnt record the whole thing.


  • OMG just seeing this one now...craig that stuff really, really sound even weirder than in the chats we shared so far...

    :-(((  manipulated dreams or mindcontrol at it's best !!! Thats how it sounds to me at I kept telling U don't listen to those nuts voices please!!!!!

  • yeah when you reverse it you hear the weirdest things, first time I recorded Last way to paradise. It said ending of the beast.. meaning the devil. I really need to get my songs out might change the world. 

  • Tonight I made a big mistake. I got too cocky. I thought if I brought tupac's(I didnt know IT WAS ATTACHED TO BIN LADENS)
    head to the queen she would have all his knowledge nothing held back. She was so scared for her children that she immediately
    gave it back to him. I almost sent Bin Ladens army after her. Luckily it was me who gets his army.

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