Hello, my name is not realy important but I come from Europe. I'll try to reproduce as closely as possible to my TI history.

It started about one year ago and its verry weird to me. I had fallen away from faith and have been looking in the Torah, Bible and Koran for the answer to combat my faith crisis. And while this war of faith with myself, suddenly voices began to communicate with me. They told me that I should cut lines of text from the Koran and re-assemble, which I did. At the end I had a result which could not be more dramatic. It was conclusively made sense and it scared me. I tried to report about to many people of it, but they pushed me away on a great dislike.


Now, months later I realized what should be done to me. They tried to make me to the Messiah of the faithful (Al-Mahdi). From the beginning on, this voice has tried, by constantly nerving to persuade me. However, since it did not work out, I'll now get annoyed by my own thoughts that are used against me.

The person who does this to me, has admitted that it never was concerned to make me the Messiah, yet they still trying to make me the Messiah. Awkward! They try to make me believe again, that God would speak to me... But i dont give a damn about it.

I hope you inform yourself a bit about the "Mahdi" on the Internet. It's quite interesting to read what's in there.

What do you think about this "voice" trying to move me to make me the Messiah? Is this the normal sense and purpose of this "V2K" "Mind-troll"? Or is the purpose another plan?

If this is in fact only someone who has done something WRONG with me and doesnt want to say his "superiors" about it, because this person has too much fear of them. What should I do after your opinion now? Hereby I am doing this as the first step.

Thanks for reading my story

May God bless you!

PS: Sorry for my Google-English :D

PPS: I will try to give you more information. Just ask me :)

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  • Dont listen to it, dont talk to it, make sure you ignore it 100%, forget about religion, forget imagination, when it harrases you just repply, think of bababu buaa eeee aaaa iii :) mumble each time it tries to manipulate you, and it will loose it completely. Its stupid computer that screws your mind and plays you emotionally, you have to return where you was before it started and continue life.
    Dont play the religion card, they mind controll people in to terorism, dont get upset when it tries to change your emotions, it will trick you into beleiving its reading your mind and imitate your mind like its you. Make sure you keep people near you, socialize, work, keep busy and forget about it. If you feel bad consult with doctor but dont say what you have readed online but just the actual what is hapening with you physiologically.
    This is only if you are attacked with synthetic telepathy, other than that talk with family doctor, just make sure dont get people scared :)
    Only my opinion, dont blame on me if it doesnt help, you know best.
  • In Seattle,  wards can be alot like health spas, excercise,  classes on various subjects, pool tables, great food, cable tv,...Ive met several well off attractive women in wards who were dealing with extreme life circumstances and volunteered to hospitalize to be safe. 

    Like i said...its dependant ulon where you live. Ive been involuntarily hospitalized in Canada, it was archaic, fucking disgusting. But, i Can speak objectivly because I've experienced bith. LaBrat,  have you ever been hospitalized for mental health reasons?? I have. Two before being a TI because of serious depression and anxiety.  Both were voluntary and short term. I have spent 32 in-patient hospital stays as a direct result of EH and gs. 3 of them were involuntary and imposed on me. So, i can speak objectivly on both in country, and out of country, voluntary versus involuntarily hospitalization.... objectivly. 

    Im wondering if you can do something other than quote others when sharing information? 

    LaBrat said:

    as you can see, opinions are divided   big lebowski speaks about the situation in england, but it is no different here in canada   although some members seem to treat the matter in cavalier fashion, it is serious business   in fact, it is big brother's big business, involving MK-Ultra and the pharmaceutical industry as well   the program is global, and all powers directly within 'new rome's' sphere of influence line up pretty much exactly as soleilmavis cautions


    "Thanks for the links, Deca.  The mental health system in the UK however is not interested in such court cases or evidence. Or TRUTH in fact. If you tell a public official you've been implanted or DEWed AND you're a TI, you'll be sectioned and detained immediately. I read a piece about a TI in Scotland who was sectioned for ten years on the basis that he "looked a little quiet". A section provides several benefits for the perp goons. It:

    1. Discredits you immediately; therefore if you're a whistleblower it renders meaningless anything you have to say;"2. Sets you up for further torture which can be carried out with impunity - you cannot report it due to fear of being sectioned and detained again
    3. Renders you vulnerable to being "suicided" by goon thugs. The Police and the community are unlikely to investigate properly if the TI had a history of mental illness."


    although this is an area some members seem to treat in a somewhat cavalier fashion, it is serious business - 

    in fact, it is 'big brother's  big business', involving MK-Ultra and the pharmaceutical industry as well   peace!

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