I will get the letter to you soon. In the meantime. I have mailed my lawsuit to the US Supreme Court, it will arrive their Monday, the Post Office told me: Priority Mail. Look for it on their web site and I want all true TI's to write an Affidavit in a Federal Motion of Intervention: google for a form, if you need to. I NEED ALL TI'S TO COME TOGETHER AND UNIT NOW, TO STOP THIS NOW..TIME TO PROTEST AND MAKE THE US SUPREME JUSTICES DO THEIR JOB OF UPHOLDING THE CONSTITUTION, BILL OF RIGHTS AND WORK FOR US...NOT BIG BUSINESS AND BANKS!!! NEED ALL TI'S TO COME TOGETHER NOW AND WRITE AND FILE YOUR AFFIDAVITS NOW IN A MOTION TO INTERVENE!! DIRECTLY TO US SUPREME CT...THEY WILL ASSIGN ME A COURT CASE NUMBER SOON...THEY BETTER NOW DISMISS THIS ONE...I NEED BACK UP, NOW!!!!! Call me or email me if questions. I do not have internet at home, so call if urgent!! 480-786-8883!!
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