News from Lynn


Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 10:35:36 -0500



Subject: Dec. 11th Kelb Newsletter

Keep The Ethical Light Burning


Kelb, Inc.

Newsletter, December 11, 2010




Dedicated advocacy on nonconsensual experimentation and abuse


"Man shall be free to live by no man's leave under the sun."

Nuremberg Trials Statement



December 11, 2010 UK Globe

What's In the Wikileaks Release?

The New York Times and a number of publications in Europe were given access to the wikileaks material several weeks ago and agreed to begin publication of articles based on the cables online on Sunday

The documents – some 250,000 individual cables, the daily traffic between the State Department and more than 270 American diplomatic outposts around the world – were made available to The Times by a source who insisted on anonymity. They were originally obtained by WikiLeaks, an organization devoted to exposing official secrets, allegedly from a disenchanted, low-level Army intelligence analyst who exploited a security loophole. Beginning Sunday, WikiLeaks intends to publish this archive on its website in stages, with each batch of documents related to a particular country or topic. Except for the timing of publication, the material was provided without conditions.

Decision to publish

The Times said that the documents serve an important public interest, illuminating the goals, successes, compromises and frustrations of American diplomacy in a way that other accounts cannot match. The Times said it excluded information that would endanger confidential informants or compromise national security.

Classified information

About 11,000 of the cables are marked “secret.” An additional 9,000 or so carry the label “noforn,” meaning the information is not to be shared with representatives of other countries, and 4,000 are marked “secret/noforn.” The rest are either marked with the less restrictive label “confidential” or are unclassified. Most were not intended for public view, at least in the near term.

Inside peek at global crises

Here is a look at some of the main substantive revelations in the cables, published by the New York Times:

– China’s Politburo directed the intrusion into Google’s computer systems in that country, a Chinese contact told the U.S. Embassy in January, as part of a computer sabotage campaign carried out by government operatives, private experts and Internet outlaws recruited by the Chinese government. They have broken into U.S. government computers and those of Western allies, the Dalai Lama and American businesses since 2002, cables said.

– King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has repeatedly urged the United States to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear program and is reported to have advised Washington to “cut off the head of the snake” while there was still time.

Read the story in its entirety at:




Commentary on Assange and his wikileaks

Precedent Setting?


Has Julian Assange helped to set new precedent for "classified" . What should be classified? Does the protocol need to change? When is this label a "cover" or a protection for the powerful that can hurt the vulnerable, the economically and politically disenfranchised?


Have the privileges and rights we historically grant to the 4th estate, the press, enabled new measures of freedom, vital in this new cyber world, we are all trying to navigate?


Has Assange, a seeming IT/internet Robin Hood, posed this question to the global powers and the world community? In law, in ethics, national and international relations, how do we answer this question?

Send us your thoughts. We listen without electronic assistance or invasive measures. We use only our eyes and ears.

Kelb Editor, L.


France Allows Wikileaks' Site


Host OVH Replaced Amazon After Ouster Last Week

by Jason Ditz, December 06, 2010


A French judge has today overruled an order by French Industry Minister Eric Besson to shut down a WikiLeaks website, saying the government needed to make some sort of argument as to why the site was illegal instead of just ordering it censored.

The ruling came after French Internet host OVH sought legal clarity regarding the order, saying it lacked transparency.

OVH was contracted to host WikiLeaks after dropped the site last week in response to US threats. OVH said they only learned they were hosting WikiLeaks through media reports about the government’s efforts to see it shut down.

“OVH is neither for nor against this site,” insisted Octave Klaba, its managing director. “Now that it’s with us, we will fulfill the contract. That’s our job.”

Read this article in its entirety at:

Another Viewpoint

Power, Propaganda, and the Global Political Awakening

By Andrew Gavin Marshall

URL of this article:

Global Research, December 6, 2010


The recent release of the 250,000 Wikileaks documents has provoked unparalleled global interest, both positive, negative, and everywhere in between. One thing that can be said with certainty: Wikileaks is changing things.

There are those who accept what the Wikileaks releases say at face value, largely due to the misrepresentation of the documents by the corporate-controlled news.

There are those who see the documents as authentic and simply in need of proper interpretation and analysis.

Then there are those, many of whom are in the alternative media, who approach the leaks with caution and suspicion.

There are those who simply cast the leaks aside as a ‘psy-op’ designed to target specific nations that fit into U.S. foreign policy objectives. Finally, then, there are those who deplore the leaks as ‘treason’ or threatening ‘security’. Of all the claims and notions, the last is, without a doubt, the most ridiculous. This essay aims to examine the nature of the Wikileaks releases and how they should be approached and understood. If Wikileaks is changing things, let’s hope people will make sure that it changes things in the right direction.


Media Propaganda Against Iran: Taking the Cables at Face Value

This perspective is perhaps the most propagated one, as it is largely influenced and undertaken by the mainstream corporate media, which present the leaked diplomatic cables as ‘proof’ of the media’s take on major world issues; most notably among them, Iran’s nuclear program. As per usual, the New York Times steps center stage in its unbridled contempt for truth and relentless use of propaganda to serve U.S. imperial interests, headlining articles with titles like, “Around the World, Distress Over Iran,” which explained how Israel and the Arab leaders agree on Iran as a nuclear threat to the world, with the commentary in the article stating that, “running beneath the cables is a belief among many leaders that unless the current government in Tehran falls, Iran will have a bomb sooner or later.”[1] Fox News ran an article proclaiming that, “Leaked Documents Show Middle East Consensus on Thr eat Posed by Iran,” and commented that, “the seismic document spill by WikiLeaks showed one area of profound agreement -- that Iran is viewed in the Middle East as the region's No. 1 troublemaker.”[2]




Ken Lee, Kelb Member from NC sends us this important and pertinent article.

British Torture Rendition Case Settled for Millions


by William Fisher

Nov. 10 '10 England

The British government will reportedly pay millions in compensation to seven British nationals who were unlawfully “rendered” to U.S.-run prisons and tortured with the cooperation of British intelligence.

The British press is reporting that ministers and the security services appear to have decided that exposure of thousands of documents in open court was a risk they could not take. The documents presumably would confirm British complicity with the U.S. in the so-called “extraordinary rendition” of terrorist suspects.

Read this story at:




News from Global Research

IT, Internet Transmissions Threaten Privacy

Ghost in the Machine: Secret State Teams Up with Ad Pimps to Throttle Privacy

by Tom Burghardt

The secret world of "cyber situational awareness" is a spymaster's wet dream, made all the more alluring by the advent of ultra high speed computing and the near infinite storage capacity afforded by massive server farms and the ubiquitous "cloud."

Within that dusky haze, obscured by claims of national security or proprietary business information, take your pick, would you bet your life that the wizards of misdirection and deception care a whit that you really are more than a disembodied data point?

Lost in the debate surrounding privacy invasion and data mining however, is the key role that internet service providers (ISPs) play as intermediaries and gatekeepers. From their perch, ISPs peer deeply into and collect and analyze the online communications of tens of millions of users simultaneously, in real-time.

Concerted efforts to eliminate online anonymity, in managed democracies and authoritarian regimes alike, are greatly enhanced by the deployment of deep packet inspection (DPI) sensors and software on virtually all networks.

As Canadian privacy watchdogs tell us, DPI offer ISPs "unparalleled levels of intelligence into subscribers' online activities."

"To unpack this a little" they aver, "all data traffic that courses across the 'net is contained in individual packets that have header (i.e. addressing) information and payload (i.e. content) information. We can think of this as the address on a postcard and the written and visual content of a postcard."

All of which is there for the taking, "criminal evidence, ready for use in a trial," Cryptohippie chillingly informs.

Still the illusion persists that communication technologies are somehow "neutral." Neither good nor bad but rather, much like a smart phone loaded with geolocation tracking chips or the surveillance-ready internet itself, simply there for all to use.

Reality as is its wont, bites with ever-sharper teeth.

URL of this article:

Global Research, December 2, 2010

Antifascist Calling...


Wikileaks and the Worldwide Information War 

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