I am a srilankan . I born in Jaffna Sri Lanka. I studied in a good school and got into university in Kandy. I did electronic engineering. I am 34 years old. My father was a regional bank manager. Now he is retired. When I studied in Peradenia university I developed mind controlled problem. I passed all my first 3 years in 2nd class honours. But I started to fail my final year exam 5 times. I hear lot of notices in my ear other people talk about me. They harrased me sexually. Others spy me . When I was in the class or in the exam , my batch mates knew what I think. I also became very disorganized, untidy and my friends stared to hate me. Finally one of my batch mate informed to my father.he did not know I have mind controlled problem. I did not tell any one. During this time I spoke lot of lies to hide from others. I avoid to go to classes and practicals. I used to read lot of websites regarding mind controll problems. When I was in the university, I had a diamond ring and a motor cycle. I sold. them and got some money. I also saved money by not buying books. And by avoid eating. I spend about 1200 us dollars to buy jimmer device and some other small electronic devices. They did not help. My father took me to a psychiatrist in Colombo. Psychatrist told me I have Schizophrenia. I did not believe. He gave me some tablets and asked me to come back in two weeks. I used it only 9 days and did not continue.
I could not complete electronic engineering in kandy. University sacked me. My father became very sad and had heart attack. But for my luck he did not die. He recovered and send me to India to complete engineering. He thought I will change if I go to to India. But my problem continued. I could not focused on studies. I hear noices. People peep and watch me when I have a bath in the bath room. Young indian ,girls call me for sex. One of my lecturer was a beautiful lady. When she give lectures, I was able to see her internal body through her cloths. I one day went and told this her. At that time I did not realize this is not true. That lecturer became angry and complained to the Dean. I end up having an inquiry. Indian university decided to dismiss me. I finally told them I had mind controll problem. University informed this to my father. My father came to India. My father and the student councilor took me to a hospital and admitted me. I stayed there four months. My doctor was a psychiatrist told me that I have schizophrenia. He first gave me a tablet which did not work. I initially thought I have mind controll problem and tablet will not work. But nurses forced me to take the tablet. After one month they changed the tablets and proscribed olanzipine. At the end of 3 months I had some improvement. I stayed 4 months in the hospital. When I left the hospital I had good improvement.
After that I completed my electronic engineering and did PhD. Now I am working in Singapore . I married last year and living happily. I still take olanzine. Still I go to psychiatrist every 3 months for a check up.
Few weeks ago I took my tablet while I was doing night duty. My Boss noticed that. He is very friendly to me. So I told him the whole story & told him this tablet helped me to improve. He immediately told me that his brother also had simillar problem and improved after treatment. I believe tablet works. Machines are wasting of time and. Money. I regret now that I should have continued my treatment while I saw the psychiatrist first time. But I am happy now I could live happily now by using this tablet. I hope you all will change your mind and start using medications which will solve your problems. Please email me if you need any help.
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