ON HUMAN RIGHTS ...a blog written by Vic Livingston a veteran journalist covering his personal experience and alleged torture with directed energy weapons. Find below, just one of Mr. Livingsont's journal entries giving us a chilling narrative of his torture.
"...Fri Aug 2 @7:15-7:45pm Stabbing frontal lobe RF weapon triangulated attack induces extreme ear-ringing, intense pain, vertigo, inability to think/focus. Attack persists to 9:24pm at slightly lower amplitude, still inducing vertigo, inability to concentrate. Later, went for short walk outside front of house. Car comes speeding toward me, drive turns wheel so brights are shining right into my eyes. THIS 'BRIGHTING' TERRORISM HAPPENS OFTEN WHEN I WALK AT NIGHT. These goons obviously are alerted via cellphone or text when I walk out the door. TORTURE, IMPAIRMENT, SUBJUGATION, INFLICTION OF PERMANENT HARM.
See the complete posting here: http://ning.it/1fMqBKj