Will you take every possible actions at once with UN Security Council, UN Secretary-General after seeing our communicationS between UN Human Rights Office and me; between ICC and me of several years ago?

First, this photo below is about our communication between UN Human Rights Office and me of several years ago and how they cover up their serious crimes when I uploaded original photos as evidence . Can you see the sonic weapons ( for damaging human beings hearing) in Canadian police's hands during G20 in Toronto of Canada ? This is one kind of Non- Lethal Weapons, weapons of mass destruction defined by UN and UN Human Rights . All my neighbors, who don't work at all for 10 years, are using them on me.

Canadian government "donated" over 6 million dollars to UN Human Rights Office several years ago to support human rights all over the world. However, they refuse to do what UN, UN Human Rights Office ask them in this photo, and plus UN Human Rights chief 's recent warning in Canada. However, they commit madly terror, psychological torture, and MK, Ultra when in my home,and when in my work place, lasting over 20 years.

Sonic Weapons and UN Human Rights Office






From ICC

" MUTILATION AND TORTURE are war crimes and crimes against humanity."







From UN Security Council






Regardless of new UN Human Rights Chief 's recent warning in Canada, Canada, all my neighbors... keep hacking all UN websites, filtering the key word "UN" when I search on the internet; keep hacking all European secure browsers I am using ( I can't delete any cookies and I can't clear any browsing data...) ; keep disabling all VPNs when I contact UN, International Criminal Court, International Bar Association.... Why? They must commit what UN, UN Human Rights Office, International Criminal Court allege , war crimes and crimes against humanity.

From here below is what I sent to you already, and you must receive it.


You all must understand why I send my files to you by different ways and repeatedly send you emails for 20 years.

Their dirty hands, atrocities not only against me, but UN Geneva, UN Human Rights Office 's all websites, and International Criminal Court, and International Bar Association. Everything is clear.

Please send it to UN Security Council and UNs Peacekeeping, UN Secretary-General, and UN Human Rights Chief to stop "Canada" 's ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity defined by ICC and UN Human Rights Office.

UN Human Rights Office's emails of 10 years ago with one piece of form, and new UN Human Rights Chief's recent warning in Canada can't not stop "Canada " 's ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity ( defined by both UN Human Rights and International Criminal Court).

What are still happening in Canada? What are Canada... still doing? This is why I write you, send you for 20 years. This is why Canada... repeatedly poison me. This is why Canada... put their dirty hands on my cars. This is why...


Canada won't stop although new UN Human Rights Chief.. Me either!

Just now, Canada... at once paralyze UN Geneva's web page after I fill out email form on UN Geneva's webpage. Before, Canada...hacked and paralyzed UN Human Rights Office' s standup4humanrights webpage. So, we can figure out who and who else are cyberattacking Internacional Criminal Court. "They" have been committing terror, psychological torture, MK Ultra for over 20 years, that is, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Please send this to UN Secretary-General, new UN Human Rights Chief, Mr. Volker Turk, Prime Minister of Canada and Canadian governmentat at once and ASAP because new UN Human Rights Chief was in Canada recently.


Canada, you must hand over "Canadian" war criminals and criminals against humanity to ICC and UN's highest court ; Canada you must do for torture victim as New UN Human Rights Chief, Mr. Volker Turk asked you recently ; Canada, Rogers' Fido removes your dirty hands from the internet, SMS... I am using; Canada removes your dirty hands from my car.

New UN Human Rights Chief, Mr. Volker Turk recently "stayed in "Canada and expressed UN's stance :

"Canada a beacon for others but must keep its promises."




However, after he left, Canada... commit madly terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra, lasting over 20 years, when I am home and when I am in my workplace. Meanwhile, Canada's Internet providers, Rogers' Fido hacks, blocks, intercepts, filters almost everything I am using, including you all, no matter who you are. Meanwhile they are attacking madly and remotely controlling my hearing, especially in my workplace with those weapons, weapons of mass destruction defined by UN, UN Human Rights, UN Human Rights Council and ICC.

Hearing control and hearing loss




"Canadian" war criminals and criminals against humanity? Please see attached 3 files:

From UN Human Rights Chief





Hand over "Canadian " War Criminals"




All my neighbours , 3 Philippine couples...






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