In response to comments in part 4, members are encouraged to provide evidence by reporting hacking and strengthened DEW attacks in parts 6 - 8.
Long, redundant, threadjacking and bullying comments which include the entire comment that is being replied to has forced me to close discussion in Peacepink.
/r/gangstalking has written rules in the side bar prohibiting threadjacking and bullying. Membership is not required to read reddit. Membership is required to post. Membership does not require personally identifiable information. An email address is optional. You can use your peacepink username or create a new username. Please report in the correct part in /r/gangstalking.
Part 6: Report any hacking as a nonmember of TI websites, TI forums and two TI subreddits and any strengthened DEW attacks
Part 7: Report hacking and strengthened DEW attacks due to logging in as a member to TI websites, TI forums and two TI subreddits.
Part 8: Report hacking and strengthened DEW attacks due to participating in TI websites, TI forums and two TI subreddits
Reddit is international. To make this a broader international study, this is cross-posted in forum at:
Stopeg is in Europe. I would like to join International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse (IAACEA) to cross-post. IAACEA is one of three TI yahoo groups. However, yahoo membership requires verification of mobile number. I protect my privacy. I will not create a yahoo account. See updated:
Help make this study international by cross-posting in blogs and other TI forums that you are a member of. Thank you.