Update on June 3, 2015:

Attacks 24/7  forced me to cease posting in peacepink. Though I have stopped posting, attacks continue to be very strong. Kidney pain, stomach cramp, legs burn, pins and needles in lips, legs and feet. Headache, inflammed head, swollen sinuses, swollen eyes, mentally dull, stiff neck, strong brain zapping at night and over sleeping. Pin point laser attacks on finger and toes while I am typing this. 

Attacks forced me to spend a week researching steel sheds, sea water faraday cage, steel helmets and iron helmets. . www.peacepink.ning.com/forum/topics/copper-lined-iron-helmet-and-steel-helmet-partially-shield I am waiting for the auction of a steel helmet to end.

When does DEW attacks on other members decrease after they cease posting? 

This is part four:


Part 1 is at:

Part 2 is at:


Part 3 is at:


Part five is at:


Please provide evidence by reporting hacking and strengthened DEW attacks in parts 6 - 8 at:


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  • LaBrat, not all social media is infiltrated. Not all procured control of administration and moderation. 

    Other than not being approved as a new member of FFCHS Lefora forum, I have not been retaliated against by FFCHS.

    I am a member of stopeg forum and /r/gangstalking subreddit. I just updated part 3 to report hacking and censoring of part 1 in /r/gangstalking. That is the first instance of my post being hacked in /r/gangstalking. None of the other members of stopeg.com and /r/gangstalking reported infiltration, hacking or censorship of the websites nor increased DEW attacks.

    Neither one of us have joined the three TI yahoo forums. Would you like to join to ask them to report any infiltration, hacking, censoring or increased DEW attacking?

    Could please link to the reporting of retaliation by other members? In the event that this post is removed, please cross-post to /r/gangstalking. Thank you. 

  • Peacepink is neither an individual nor a corporation, so far as I know.  Peacepink, as such, never does anything to anybody

  • Hassan, thank you requesting the moderators to upgrade to Ning 3.0. Please post their reply, if any. I you are banned or this thread is removed, please post in cross-post in /r/gangstalking. 

    Unfortunately, two days ago, TheAsian1948 offered to help improve the website. Today, he was censored and banned. See part 5:


    You are correct.  I am indeed accusing the website developer and the moderators of modifying this website to make it easy to hack members, their devices and their internet. I am also accusing them of resisting making the website safe and functional. I substantiate this in parts one through five of this series.

  • That is evident....

  • Please just give me the gist.

    The page I "censored", by removing inappropriate "thread-jacking" content, is the one you most recently complained contained thread-jacking content.  I posted into that thread my explanation as to why I had done that - because I was upholding a complaint, which happens to have been your complaint.

    I removed some of your content, since it was responses to other posts I removed too.

    Please stop making work, if you can.  We're all volunteers, and there are only four of covering the whole of Peacepink.

    energyweaponsatme said:

    John Allman, could please read all the parts in this series and respond?

    John Allman commented: " I have "responded" to one of your reports, by deleting a whole bunch of posts, and posting a comment on the relevant page saying that I'd done exactly that. Did I forget to tell you I'd responded in that way to your complaint? Sorry."

    You did "forget" to tell me. You did not disclose the reason for your censorship. Which threads did you censor? I will repost the links to reddit instead of peacepink.

  • LaBrat this is the second time you are attempting to censor me. 

    Since you find my threads uninteresting, why read them and obsessively debunk them?

    I am not redundant. I cite URLs and permalinks to comments. I do not include a comment's entire comment in my reply like you do.

    Stop harassing , bullying and discrediting me.

    I am requesting members who are being hacked on peacepink to try other TI forums or TI subreddits. Please report back whether hacking remained the same, decreased, increased or stopped. Please report whether DEW attacks increased, decreased or remained the same. Thanks.

  • energyweaponsatme

    it just looks like YOU are here to slag off TI groups and try to increase traffic to your reddit page ....

  • Oh please don't YOU start, Deca.  It doesn't do any good.  Ignoring is best.

    deca said:


    it just looks like YOU are here to slag off TI groups and try to increase traffic to your reddit page ....

  • Now Big L, I saw u removed again ur post but this time u didn't repost it, u removed it totally....

This reply was deleted.