Hey, just thought id start a thread to ask if anyones interested in a customized / customizable theme similar to the user page theme options, only for the whole site. Ive written a script template dividing the background layers into three parts, the bottom one being ideal for wallpaper images. Text font and color can also be changed. The ideas to release the script with customizable options on the install page at userstyles.org but still deciding how to finish it, then need to make slight tweaks to normalize the font sizes between Firefox Chrome and Opera and making it customizables can also be tricky. Anyway this'd be an updated version of one already released a few weeks ago, noone was interested which was strange, but this would allow most of it to be personalized
Heres a screenshot showing the basic layout
note: at the bottom right where the chatroom popup should be, thats just hidden till you sign in, its unnecessary with a sign in button on every page
Btw, if you consider yourself too 'noob' to work out how to install a browser addon (the script requires one called "Stylish") then please dont respond to say its a shame you cant try it whatever, also dont respond saying you think theres nothing wrong with the default peacepink style, if you think that, keep it to yourself, and please no wall of text replies, off topic rants or arguments