The Bourke St attacker Jimmy Gargasoulas who killed 6 people in 2017 in Melbourne, Australia is a victim of gang-stalking and mind-control. The Bourke St attack was an attempt by the perps to intimidate me into silence.
The Brisbane murderer Anthony O'Donohue who killed a bus driver with a homemade fire bomb was also driven murderously insane by gang-stalking. Add them to the list in addition to Myron May and Aaron Alexis!
I have a large amount of very specific insider information which I have compiled into 4 PDF books. I survived assassination attempts during the writing of these books. The perps revealed to me the big picture: it's World War 3.
See attached PDF books or follow these links:
---Mirror 1---
Book 1 (ADS): https://pdfhost.io/v/K9RR3XPs8_ADSpdf.pdf
Book 2 (WW666): https://pdfhost.io/v/iFFP3XLlN_WW666pdf.pdf
Book 3 (BFTL): https://pdfhost.io/v/vI+g+bC0+_BFTLpdf.pdf
Book 4 (THWT): https://pdfhost.io/v/mZkoopqyG_THWTpdf.pdf
---Mirror 2---
Book 1 (ADS): https://docdro.id/fJHP0pc
Book 2 (WW666): https://docdro.id/li4q6v4
Book 3 (BFTL): https://docdro.id/RrsKuCn
Book 4 (THWT): https://docdro.id/7u2CkIL
---Mirror 3---
Book 1 (ADS): https://www.scribd.com/document/435210740/Ads
Book 2 (WW666): https://www.scribd.com/document/435210531/WW666
Book 3 (BFTL): https://www.scribd.com/document/435211061/BFTL
Book 4 (THWT): https://www.scribd.com/document/435210529/THWT
---Mirror 4---
Book 1 (ADS): https://www.pdfhost.net/index.php?Action=Download&File=d8fdcfe84ac6f32481332788924f2b5f
Book 2 (WW666): https://www.pdfhost.net/index.php?Action=Download&File=2b662a28cbc7990bf45f3f4d641a19c5
Book 3 (BFTL): https://www.pdfhost.net/index.php?Action=Download&File=d8b36f475f28d1f04315e2b908890b2f
Book 4 (THWT): https://www.pdfhost.net/index.php?Action=Download&File=176bb0b1010aa70c3f184641bc11bc67
---Full package with additional documents by other authors---